BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Session 28

General Summary

This session began with the party dropping down the shithole in Vaision's cell. Upon reaching the bottom, the stench quickly prompted the entire party to vomit before wading through the sewage to the sound of waves hitting the rocky shore.

At the end of the tunnel, there was an iron grate overlooking the sea. Xavirie successfully used the Matchstick Key to cut the bars and the party easily climbed out onto the pier. Claudia guided the party back to the dock where the ship they rode to the island on was tied up.

As they got closer, they noticed ninjas descending a wall towards them. Kit cast Darkness, buying the party enough time to narrowly escape. This moment of victory would not last long, however, as they were being tailed by three airships; one of which was much closer than the others. In response, Kit stood next to Claudia and cast Darkness on the ship to throw off the ships aim as it turned to make a broadside.

Kit braced for impact as the cannons rang, but much to his surprise, the cannonballs fell short and the ship's powderroom detonated. Coincidentally, this was the airship that had carried the city's tax revenue, so thousands of Platinum Pieces rained down on the party.

The other two airships stopped their pursuit to help any survivors on the ruined airship and the party made a clean getaway. The first place they went was to Tantalizing Tentacle Treasures to warn Shiro that the governor was indeed looking for him before spending a significant portion of their newfound loot (~105000GP).

Once they were satisfied, they made their way to Zor's old lair. When they arrived, they discovered that the lair was abandoned except for Proud Game (Siberian Tiger Tabaxi) and Kenan Starvale (Pretty Elf). They filled the party in on what happened since they last were there; Lance Willmont (Skeleton) and Elma Glitterbell (Fairy) left for the town on the lake; Cacis (Peacock Aaracockra) was eaten by Gar.

The party spent the night in Zor's lair. During this time, Kit constructed a makeshift kiln and baked a key mold so he could make a Magic Key if he needed to. In the morning, Proud and Kenan were gone and, as the party was getting ready to leave for New Stynruz, Gurat caught up with them.

Upon his arrival, he and the party got each other up to speed, Gurat resurrected Damian as a Tiefling with golden skin, and the party made their way to New Stynruz by following the mucus trail of the Slimy Slug.

On their way, they noticed that they were being circled by a raven. They also took note of the fact that ravens do not typically live in the plains, so its presence was strange. When they finally entered city limits, they discovered that the house they had built had been raized and the mirror buried under it was shattered.

After this discovery, they headed to the center of town where the Slimy Slug was currently resting. They entered and discussed their situation at the bar. The bartender had apparently been eavesdropping and he suggested they see a sage in living in Bogrard Bhul who, for a favor, answers any one question posed to him.

They then found a more private area to plan their next moves. During this discussion, they noticed the same raven that circled them on the way in was seemingly spying on them. Gurat cast Speak with Animals and questioned it. As far as he could tell, it was just a normal raven. Despite this, the party was still highly suspicious of it. The session ended with the party starting a Long Rest in the "comforts" of the Slimy Slug.

Report Date
29 Jan 2023


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