BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Session 4

General Summary

This session was yet another "filler episode" where the party worked to complete the TODO List the animated suits of armour gave to Xaverie. This list ranged from bills to pay, overdue cleaning, repairs to make, and even possible upgrades to Tremont Manor. They decided to tackle some of the cleaning first. Kit, Vaision, and Sparrow investigated the Storage Room, Xaverie cleaned the first floor fireplace and chimney, Claudia slept in, and Gurat enjoyed a purpleroot cigar in the parlor. During their investigation, Kit and Vaision found The Chain Key and Great Lock in the Storage Room. Once they were done with those tasks, Xaverie, Kit, and Vaision headed to the basement for some cleaning when they discovered the seemingly endless basement Xaverie has as well as another whispering key: The Winding Key. Having found the key and not made a dent in the massive mess of a basement, they gave up on it for the day. They then chose to kill two birds with one stone by travelling to the Common Expanse for some supplies. While they were there, they spoke with Bouncer, investigated the stores that were circled on the map they had acquired from the Black Smoke HQ, and bought a new refrigerator and replacement lightbulbs for the Servants' Quarters from Buy the Way. The party warned Bouncer of the date written on the map before they left and headed back to Tremont Manor. When they got there, they installed the new fridge and found yet another whispering key... The party also received another newspaper.
Report Date
07 Jan 2022


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