BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Session 5

General Summary

In this session, we pick up when the party had just discovered what they now know is the Mending Key on the floor where the old fridge used to be. The party then ate dinner and just as they were about to retire for the night, they heard an insistant knocking on their door. Upon answering it, they discover its source was none other than the supposed true leader of the Black Smoke, who was there to take the map that the party had found in the sewer hideout back. As Xaverie was about to hand it over, Kit attacked the leader of the Black Smoke, who quickly used an item that was hanging around his neck to transform into a plume of Black Smoke and retreat out the door he entered. Little did the party know, this was the signal for his goons, who had been hiding throughout the house, to take the map by force. Claudia was quickly subdued by 2 crossbow bolts and Xaverie was nearly killed outright by an assassin that had dropped down from the second floor. Despite this surprise, Kit managed to utilize the Great Lock to restrain a majority of the intruders, excluding the assassin, who had swiped the map from Xaverie and made a dash out the front door. Seeing this, Vaision cast hold person to prevent the assassin from getting away. Deciding to cut his losses, the Black Smoke's leader cast darkness on Vaision, thus breaking his line of sight and, therefore, his concentration on hold person. With that, the assassin and the leader of the Black Smoke ditched the scene, leaving 6 goons behind. With revenge on his mind, Kit started attacking the restrained goons and managed to kill one before Xaverie forced the animated suits of armour to intervene. It was at this point in time that Gurat returned from his long day of work to see 6 masked goons, one of which had completely bled out onto the floor, being held in the air by magical chains, claudia collapsed on the floor, and kit being restrained by the suits of armour. After quickly explaining the situation, the party had a dilema on their hands: either take the goons to the police and let Kit face the consequences of killing an unarmed person or take the remaining goons into the basement to finish the job. The party eventually agreed upon the latter and Xaverie and Vaision took the goons to the basement for processing. While they took care of business, Gurat made a phonecall while the remainder of the party tended to their wounds. After this phonecall, Gurat instructed everyone to collect their things as they would be staying somewhere that the Black Smoke would hopefully not find them again. When Gurat went to relay this info to Xaverie and Vaision, he walked in to the sound of a juicy crunching sound and immediately saw Xaverie slouched over a body whose head had been removed and was covered in blood. Feeling uneasy, Gurat relayed the info and quickly retreated up the stairs. The two in the basement finished up the job, but not before discovering that the masks the goons were wearing were not masks at all; they were the goons' actual faces! With the job completed they made their way upstairs and started getting their things together, during this time, Xaverie discovered the Matchstick Key hanging from a nail near the fireplace in her bedroom and proceeded to check the garden for the Plant Key, where she was successful. During this time the remainder of the party had finished getting their stuff together and had made their way to the garage to try the mending key on the old car out there. With the turn of the key, the car was restored to its former glory and lacked only its key. After quicly searching through the jar of keys in the workshop, the party found the key to the car, but broke it as they were using it to start the car. This led to them making a quick stop by Tremont's Tremendous Locks and Keys to have the key fixed (They tried using the Mending Key, but it did not work). Tremont reluctantly agreed to fix the key to his former car on the condition that they give him one of the keys they found at Tremont Manor. The party agreed to give him the Mending Key. While he was working on the fix for the key, the party learned more about the keys. They learned that the leader of the Black Smoke had blackmailed him to make the Smoke Key, which is what he used to turn into the plume of black Smoke when Kit attacked him. The party also learned that the Governor had blackmailed him into making the Control Key. Before the party left with their new key to their new car, Tremont warned the party not to use the keys once again, but specified that they should NEVER use the mirror key. With that, the party was back on track to getting to the safe place Gurat had arranged for them. When they arrived, they noted that it was the tallest building in the city and their destination was at the top floor. Upon arriving making it to the top floor, they noted that next to the door was a placard that read "Theodora Sinclaire". The party knocked on the door and was greeted by Theodora herself. At first she was happy to have visitors, but that was only until her eyes met Gurat's... There was no doubt about it. She was pissed with Gurat. The kind of pissed that leaves you almost speechless as you try to think of any other way of handling the situation than just killing the source of your anger outright. "Flynton", she uttered through her gritted teeth. Theodora happily greeted everyone except Gurat, but still let him inside with the rest of the party. Once everyone was inside, Theodora lit a cigarette and proceeded to shoot Gurat daggers until he finally approached her and gave here a note he had been saving in the back of his detective's notepad...
Report Date
21 Jan 2022


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