BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Session 8

General Summary

The sessions started out with Kit having yet another dream. Only this time, he was visited by the leader of the Black Smoke, who revealed his name to be Baku. In the dream, Baku gave Kit 1 week to return the Smoke Key to him or else. In the morning, the party discovered that Riner had already left, making them question where to. They turned on the news while they ate breakfast only to find that Riner had been terminated and would be replaced by an aspiring officer by the name of Jaylen Ross. Knowing this would destroy his friend, Gurat decided to go find Riner. The rest of the party set out to see what had become of Tremont Manor, then visit the library. On their way there, Kit noticed a familiar face was following them. He dipped through some alleys in an attempt to lose them and it seemed to have worked. When the party arrived at the manor, they noted that things looked relatively normal aside from the fact that they had left the garage open when the left and some tools were now missing. Other than that and some dust, the house seemed to have been completely untouched. The animated suits of armor got to work cleaning up the house. The party then decided to look through the basement, where they discovered that they had started a fire when they torched the intruders 2 days ago. They put out the fire and collected the valuables it left behind. They then wen back upstairs and looked for Sparrow, who had apparently missed the memo and spent the last 2 days cleaning the storage room, which was now the cleanest room in the whole house. The party invited her to join them on their trip to the library and the group set off. Once again, the party noticed they were being followed and once again Kit took an alternate route. Once at the library, they met the chairman of Andrea, Zangrim Wagglefern, who was apparently the lead librarian. Xaverie spent her time at the library reading 11 installments in the Tusk Love series, Claudia spent his time being read to about fish anatomy by Sparrow, and Kit spent his time looking for ways of translating the abyssal book and reading up on some of the history of the city. After each party member had done their reading, the only question left to answer was how to translate the book. After speaking with Zangrim, Kit had discovered that the library does translations, but the price was heavy for abyssal. Because of this, they opted to only translate the title and foreword (or at least what was left of them). This told them that the book was a guide on forging keys of some kind and that these keys were dangerous. Because of this, Zangrim offered to buy the book from them and place it in the restricted section. The party refused and was about to leave when something caught Vaision's attention; it was a door with the symbol of a sunset on it. He turned back to Zangrim and asked if he could have the key. After a brief exchange, he handed it over and Vaision went inside. Behind the door was a private section of the library containing a decent collection of books, maps, etc. Looking through it, he found a few different maps of the city and a door to the restricted section. Vaision called Kit and Xavirie in to check it out. Kit picked the lock and Xavirie followed Kit into the restricted section while Vaision kept Zangrim busy. They snooped around, but toched nothing. They felt a sense of unease throughout their time back there. They decided that nothing back there was worth what would happen if they touched it and made their way out. After that ordeal, Kit locked the door to the restricted section and Vaision returned the key to Zangrim. They then made their way to Tremont's Shop. Because of the figure that had been following them, they decided to travel via the Ethereal Plane. When they got there, Vaision remained in the Ethereal Plane with the keys they had since Tremont can hear them. The others entered the shop and asked Tremont about the Smoke Key and tried to convince him to make a forgery so the party could take the real one off Baku's hands (despite already having the key). Tremont told them that it was impossible to make a forgery without having the key to make a mold. One thing led to another and Xaverie revealed to Tremont that she now owned Tremont Manor and they were immediately at each other's throats. Tremont kicked her out and as Kit went to follow, Tremont stopped him to tell him of the other key that Baku has; the Face Key. After telling him this, Tremont offered to send them back home using the Anywhere Key to save them time. They agreed and on her way through, Xaverie offered to let Tremont stay with them. She must have been fairly convincing since Tremont actually agreed to. She then went through and Tremont said he would join them in an hour. 25 minutes later, Vaision arrived at Tremont Manor as he had to walk.
Report Date
11 Mar 2022


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