BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Session 9

General Summary

This session began where the last session left off; Gurat went off to find and comfort Riner since he had just lost his job. After cheering him up, the two made their way to Tremont Manor to meet up with the rest of the party, but not before spying on the 2 individuals at the booth guarded by 2 large goons. It turns out that those 2 individuals were Shiro (Tentacle man) and Freddy Wilde (Owner of the Strip Club and Casino and suspected leader of the Crimson Trolls) and they were in the middle of a major deal where Shiro was the supplier and Freddy was the buyer. Back at the manor, the rest of the party experimented with the Winding Key and discovered that it was responsible for the creation of the animated suits of armour. This led them to searching the basement for more suits of armour to add to their "army". While down there, both Vaision and Claudia found some gold and other items of value. Claudia also found an old, tattered book titled "Rags to Riches: A Beginners Guide to Getting Rich". The first page read "Property of ________" and there was a quill with ink on the table next to the book. Seeing no issue with signing a random, sketchy book he just found, Claudia signed his name and the book spang to life. It tried to bite him, but Claudia was too quick. His first instinct was to trap the book and so he did... in his bag of holding. When Gurat and Riner finally made their way back to Tremont Manor, the party was expecting Tremont who arrived immediately following them via the Anywhere Key. When deciding where everyone would stay, Tremont sprang for the Servants' Quarters. Suspicious of him, Kit spied on Tremont looking through the dresser just under a large mirror he had just spent a long moment staring at. After about a minute of searching, Tremont had found a Silver Key under the dresser. A short while later, it was time for dinner; the party had 3 spit-roasted chickens, a large pot of garlic mashed potatoes, and a baking sheet of seasoned asparagus. During dinner, Vaision asked why Tremont sprang for the Servants's Quarters when there were other rooms available, to which he replied "I figured the other rooms were more desirable and/or taken already and I didn't want to be a burden". The party then started planning for their encounter with Baku that would take place in a little less than a week. Many suggestions and ideas were thrown around, but the winning ideas were these: The party would stake-out the location they would meet him at. Once they had a good lay-of-the-land, they would try to book a private party, which they would say is for Claudia's 200th birthday and fill with allies, so that no civilians would get caught up in the fray. They would then order a birthday cake to make things look legit. When they tried to set this up, they ran into a monetary issue; the cost to rent out the space was too expensive for the party to afford. Their solution was to get sponsored by Venxen Taznaar, the owner of the mall that Baku ransacked. They met with him and his head of security who had the ability to create an apparent copy of himself and take on the appearance of anyone he has seen. They agreed to help and the party concocted the idea of having the head of security, Bouncer, stand in for Kit with one of his bodies and for the store clerk, Obito, with his other body since he could take a hit better than Kit could and this way no third party would be involved. With the best possible plan laid out, it was just a waiting game. The party spent the week disguising their animated suits of armour and searching the basement for more supplies. During this time Vaision also decided that it may be better to have the suits of armour in the Ethereal Plane with him so it did not look like Baku was heavily outnumbered. A week passed and it was time to execute the plan in its totality. The party picked up their cake from The Bread Bank using the Anywhere Key, and set things up at Lord of the Fries an hour before the meeting time. An hour passed and Baku arrived ten minute early. Kit's stand-in then pretended to arrive ten minutes late; just on time. Baku greeted Kit, who stalled him for a short time before the party sprang out to take him down. Before Baku had a chance to say another word, he had been hit and stabbed so many times that he dropped instantly. This caused 2 goons that had been invisible to reveal themselves. One attacked Claudia since he landed the blow that knocked Baku down and the other administered a health potion to Baku. The party then mercilessly cut down the first goon, incapacitated the second goon, and downed Baku a second time before he could even get his bearings from the health potion he had just been given. The goon tried to administer another, stronger health potion, but Kit snatched it right from his hands. With no other options, the goon picked up Baku and tried to run. He was quick and nobody managed to land a blow. Seeing the goon getting away with Baku, Vaision opened the doorway from the Ethereal Plane to unleash the army of animated suits of armour (totalling 8). This led the goon to do some impressive parkour over the register and through the order window into the kitchen. Kit, being the fastest in the party, dashed after him and utilized the Great Lock to capture the goon (but not Baku). He then dragged the goon back into the dining area and began to question him. It did not take long for the party to realize that Baku was still in the kitchen, but that was all the time Baku needed to stumble his battered ass through the back door. The party had no trouble tracking him to the parking lot outside as he had left an obvious blood-trail. The moment they opened the back door to see Baku, he cast darkness in a last-ditch effort to escape in the darkness. Kit cleverly cast Dancing Lights to produce dim light so they could see and take down the crispy-faced villain. Riner clasped some Dimensional Shackles on him and began making his way to the Police Station to turn him in.
Report Date
25 Sep 2024


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