Kobolds Ethnicity in Mytkora | World Anvil
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Kobolds (koh BALDS)

Servants of the Stars

CobaltDM - July 10, 2022
"My visit to Varicyon netted me one more interesting series of interactions I must mention. It involved a Kobold by the name of Kip. I found him near one of the gem mines in the southern section of the Elsian Islands. He was eager to speak to me, eager to share his story with anyone who would listen. He told me of his vast plans for invention and eventual grabs for power. He spoke at length of his unstoppable suit of armor that would render his inevitable enemies helpless to his claims. He died later that day in a tragic accident involving a minecart, but I am sure he would have followed through with his fantasies were he still alive." - An excerpt from "The Travels of Hafrick Moriarty"
Kobolds were created by Elsios to be the servants of the great Dragons. They have since branched out and have become welcome members of draconic society. They can be found mainly in Varicyon and eastern Atheles.  

Tiny Dragons

Kobolds are more drake-like than their Dragonborn cousins. They have sharper maws lined with jagged teeth and talons on their hands and feet. They have scales covering their entire bodies which can be a variety of colors based on their Cosmic Origin.  

Confident to a Fault

Kobolds have none of the size of the majestic dragons, but they have all of the pride of one. They firmly believe in their creator's goal to make the strongest creatures in Mytkora, and count themselves as one of them. Kobolds can be arrogant and assuming, and often get on the nerves of other races they interact with. Regardless, their abilities have value found in them across many settlements in Mytkora.  

History of Reverence

Kobolds have a long past full of servitude and worship of the dragons of Mytkora. Some can still be found in this state and any powerful dragon is sure to be surrounded by a clan of kobolds that organize their hoards and defend their lair. Others, however, have integrated with society and work as laborers, tinkers, or craftsmen. They were as affected by the Silence as any devout members of civilization, but none are still alive from the time the gods spoke, and thus have no emotional connection to them.
Playable Race Details: Kobold

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