The Disaster Party

This is the timeline that showcases the actions and major movements of the party. The events within this timeline will not be appearing the main Myvvia timeline unless necessary.

Post Ferus

... 4987

  • 4986 PF

    6 Kolpi

    The OG Party Meets

    They meet in a tavern.

  • 4986 PF

    7 Kolpi

    Civil action

    The OG party meets the mayor for the first time.

  • 4986 PF

    20 Werdis
    4986 PF

    12 Dorren

    Kiora Time

    A lot happens in Kiora.

  • 4986 PF

    7 Yaskal
    4986 PF

    20 Borg

    King Ferus' Dungeon

  • 4986 PF

    7 Yaskal

    Sun Titan Challenge

    This is when the party starts doing Dungeon crawling.

  • 4986 PF

    1 Serai
    4986 PF

    1 Yamatay

    Capture of King Ferus' Castle
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    The OG party successfully captures King Ferus' castle

  • 4986 PF

    9 Yamatay

    Military action

    The Party meets Inixbis and together with the new addition take on the Buffed up voidling that is causing chaos in the city above.

  • 4986 PF

    4 Neiva

    Oni and Borg's Caravan arrives in the City
    Gathering / Conference

  • 4986 PF

    6 Neiva

    Geological / environmental event

  • 4986 PF

    7 Neiva

    First Elder Encounter
    Disaster / Destruction

    Light Celestial dungeon.

  • 4986 PF

    4 Bullshivp

    Deimos & Shelby take over. The Party meets Amin.
    Criminal Activity

  • 4986 PF

    5 Bullshivp

    Raid and Riot
    Military action

    After Shelby and Deimos had been taken care of the people of the town rioted and stormed the castle.

  • 4986 PF

    6 Bullshivp

    Danger Celestial
    Celestial / Cosmic

    First encounter with the danger celestial.

  • 4986 PF

    7 Bullshivp
    4986 PF

    19 Bullshivp

    Steel Dungeon

  • 4986 PF

    19 Bullshivp

    Celestials in the Castle
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Each of the party members have encounters with celestials.

  • 4986 PF

    19 Bullshivp

    Beast Celestial Encounter and Demise
    Military action

    Due to egging on from Lokeith, the Beast Celestial gets into a fight with Black Lightning. This ends up turning into the Beast Celestial getting jumped and vibed checked by the party.

  • 4986 PF

    13 Tayan

    Mystic Shit!
    Era beginning/end

    The mystic era begins.

  • 4987 PF

    1 Pinta
    4987 PF

    15 Pinta

    Celestial Games
    Celestial / Cosmic

  • 4987 PF

    15 Pinta


    Aaliya arrives!

  • 4987 PF

    16 Pinta 13:00

    Civil action

    The party meets Ajee.

  • 4987 PF

    16 Pinta 16:00
    4987 PF

    18 Pinta

    Runic Temple

    Elder encounter here.

  • 4987 PF

    19 Pinta

    Castle Hostage Situation and The Party Meets Abjicio
    Military action

  • 4987 PF

    1 Kolpi

    2nd Wave of Mystic Shit
    Celestial / Cosmic

  • 4987 PF

    7 Kolpi

    Third Wave of Mystic Shit
    Celestial / Cosmic

  • 4987 PF

    12 Kolpi

    Art Celestial Arrives
    Celestial / Cosmic

  • 4987 PF

    14 Kolpi
    4987 PF

    7 Werdis

    Underwater Tomb

  • 4987 PF

    13 Werdis

    Danger Celestial death and Elma is freed
    Criminal Activity

  • 4987 PF

    18 Werdis

    Mayor Villa Raid
    Military action

  • 4987 PF

    19 Werdis

    Ames gives the Party hero rings
    Discovery, Scientific

  • 4987 PF

    19 Werdis

    Mayor Interrogation & Divorce Trial
    Military action

  • 4987 PF

    16 Thuran

    Castle Chaos
    Disaster / Destruction

    The celestial of change, the castle is silent, and the plant children are taken to the elder plane.

  • 4987 PF

    12 Dorren

    Futuyu's City Chaos
    Military action

  • 4987 PF

    10 Yaskal

    Snowy Timez

  • 4987 PF

    1 Borg

    Drunken Shenanigans in Shuntai
    Criminal Activity

    Ames, Black Lightning, and Dragna

  • 4987 PF

    13 Borg
    4987 PF

    10 Serai

    The Party goes Below Hell
    Military action

  • 4987 PF

    7 Yamatay

    Drake, Vanny's Island, Elder Echo
    Military action

  • 4987 PF

    11 Yamatay 14:00

    Religious event

  • 4987 PF

    11 Yamatay 16:00

    Lokeith pulls up
    Military action

  • 4987 PF

    12 Yamatay
    4987 PF

    7 Neiva

    Vacation Part 1
    Population Migration / Travel

  • 4987 PF

    8 Neiva
    4988 PF

    6 Thuran

    The Party Relocates to Oho's Home
    Population Migration / Travel

Era of Anridir

4988 and beyond

  • 4988 EA

    6 Thuran

    Voidling comes out the Water
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

  • 4988 EA

    6 Thuran

    Monolith of the Calling
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Additional timelines
  • 4988 EA

    8 Thuran

    Anridir is born
    Life, Birth

    Additional timelines
  • 4988 EA

    9 Thuran

    52 Celestials fall to Myvvia
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Knowing that a level 100 baby has been born. Half of the celestials have come to Myvvia as humans.

    Additional timelines
  • 4988 EA

    14 Thuran
    4988 EA

    19 Thuran

    The Conquest of Shuntai

    The weapon celestial is brought down.

    Additional timelines
  • 4988 EA

    20 Thuran

    Elder Encounter in Shuntai
    Life, Supernatural

    The rebel known as Yutuu is actually an elder that has been on the plane for 50 years...yikes.

  • 4988 EA

    1 Dorren
    4989 EA

    1 Dorren

    Zavi sends the party letters & The Time Skip Begins

  • 4988 EA

    20 Borg
    4988 EA

    20 Borg

    Druid Reawakens the Darkness Primordial in Masthasta
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event