
Aasimar bear within their souls the light of the heavens. They are descended from species with a touch of celestial power. Aasimar are born to serve as champions of the gods, their births hailed as blessed events. They are a people of otherworldly visages, with luminous features that reveal their celestial heritage.  
"The following communities are known to the people of Myzelis and recorded in the Journals of Eblin. Realms not listed here have no known populations of these Aethrin large enough to list as communities in their own right."  
Inyddaska Anír, Master of Mentors
Ancestries by Realm

Gylidder Aasimar


Gylidder Protector Aasimar

  The New Dawn: Many Protector Aasimar flock to this church of Lysav (at Tywodden) and the tutelage of High Priest Hyndagg Deflaic, whose congregation numbers in the thousands of bright and hopeful aasimar looking to leave the world better than when they were born into it. They are descended from the celestial servants of Lysav, the Gylidder Inaethri of mercy, order, empathy, and life. Lysav is one of the oldest Inaethri - part of the Pantheon of Ancient Legends - and the church is also one of the oldest buildings on the island. Many politicians, negotiators, and diplomats study the finer aspects of negotiation and peacekeeping here.  

Gylidder Scourge Aasimar

  The Claws of Shula: Originally a fully fledged faction with representation across not only Gylidd but the larger world beyond, a series of setbacks and mismanaged battles have caused the numbers of this community of like-minded Scourge Aasimar to dwindle down to only a few dozen, who gather strength within the halls of Castle Inaethriddr. They are descended from the avenging angels of Ysaridan, the saint of disproportionate response and righteous fury, and their sigils take likeness from Ysaridan's fabled pantheric companion. They currently have no leader, but the eldest among them is a Scourge Aasimar named Yiboc Fehl.  

Gylidder Fallen Aasimar

  The Get of Gerrod: a commune of outcast aasimar live in Kor under the watchful eye of the Three Speakers, an inscrutable triumvirate of unsavory warlocks who have - thus far - kept themselves out of trouble. Many claim direct descent from Gerrod, the Gylidder Inaethri of perfection, ego, and supremacy. Many more find supporting the cause less soothing than enjoying the presence of others who refuse to judge the Fallen Aasimar for their corrupted blood or misdeeds.  

Yolitlalli Aasimar

  Aasimar of all kinds kind be found in any land within Tlalli, given the Gods' rather involved hobbies. Approximately 57% of all Aasimar are decendents of Miztli, the Tabaxi goddess. There is no city-state or country comprised majorly of aasimar, though they are not quite uncommon in other places. Cuemitl has the highest population by number of Aasimar.  

Verberan Aasimar

  Mortal-Blooded (Fallen), Devotion-Blooded (Protector), and Devastation-Blooded (Scourge) Aasimar. The aasimar can be born to any race, as they represent a boon or a reward for service. They are seen as paragons of good, but those wiser know that this blessing can also be a curse. The weight of responsibility can be too much for one to bear, and falling can become all too tempting. Regardless, aasimar are people like everyone else but with a few gifts to help protect others.