Arannis, the Moonlit Moth in Myzelis | World Anvil

Arannis, the Moonlit Moth

The Moonlight Moth is one of the two most well-known Archfey in Verbera. Of the pair, he represents the moon and night, portraying it as a time of quiet reflection and rejuvenation, space to enjoy the company of one’s companions and to appreciate the coming day.

Physically, the Moonlight Moth is a towering figure, standing twice as tall as most eladrin. His fair skin is adorned by numerous tattoos that, according to rumor, tell the story of grand battles fought alongside the Moonlight Moth’s old allies. His silver eyes with flecks of green pierce through those he gazes upon, and resting on his silver hair is a crown fashioned in the shape of each of the moon’s phases. Never far from Arannis’ side is the magic blade Moonstrummer, a weapon supposedly formed from a shard of the broken moon that is able to change its shape to suit the wielder’s need.

A powerful magic user, Arannis acts as lawkeeper within Verbera’s Feywild. More standoffish and strict than most fey, he is not the most well-loved, but is certainly one of the most well-respected of the fey.

To ensure order is brought to the wild and chaotic Feywild, Arannis has created a group tasked with doing just that. These Lunar Strummers are personally trained by the Moonlight Moth in the arts of martial and arcane combat, making them terrifying combatants, especially when mounted on their Valenar steeds.

Arannis' symbol is that of a moth in front of a crescent moon.