Armor of the Post-War World

As firearms became more accurate and more deadly, personal protection needed to match pace. Unlike in the rest of Myzelis, metal armor is made of different material rather than just steel and iron and is made from making an alloy of titanium or steel with a special material culivated and refined from a plant called Kiaräkä that adds durability at a low weight and prevents deformations and failures. The finished product being known as Taksol, a combination of the acronym of materials used, TAK, with the word for skin. Usually when the process of manufacturing a plate of this material is finished, it comes out black and can be painted to better match the color of the environment, friend or foe markings, and insignia's. With the existence of TAK, characters from other parts of Myzelis would need to acquire the Terotan equivalent, otherwise whether it be chainmail or plate, their armor would only count as Improvised Metal Armor. For the most part, the armor is just descriptions and cost of armor in Terota that it would be equivalent to with a couple of unique sets. For now.
Relevant for the Realm of Terota.
  Items are subject to change in the future.

Light Armor

Light Armor is a common choice for scavengers, nomads and mercenaries due to its relatively low cost, ease of access and not being nearly as stuffy in the summer as Medium or Heavy Armors. If you wear light armor, you add your Dexterity modifier to the base number from your armor type to determine your Armor Class.

Improvised Padded Armor

The shit that could be cobbled together in a ruin can surprise many people with it's effectiveness. Improvised Padded Armor is made by stitching together pieces of cloth and finding something that looks like it's made of a strong material, any metal scrap that is mostly integral would do, and filling in the space between the two pieces of cloth you threw on yourself to protect you.
  • AC: 11+ Dex Modifier
  • Disadvantage on Stealth.
  • 10lbs
  • 5GP. Doesn't need to be made by someone proficient in any tools.

Leather Armor

A classic and ancient choice for protection. The breastplate and shoulder protectors of this armor are made of leather that has been stiffened by being boiled in oil. The rest of the armor is made of softer and more flexible materials.
  • AC: 11+ Dex Modifier
  • 8lbs
  • 10GP

M-15 Kevlar Vest

The M-15 was actually designed just short of the Peligrosa in 2055 ISC, experimenting with aramid fibers, the Empire was not impressed with the protection they offered by itself without being made in a composite with Tatsol. However, after a hostage situation in Rio Avan led to the explosive death of five Peace Officers due to the rattling of their Tak Armor, the Ministry of Defense decided to look at a Kevlar based solution.
  • AC: 12+ Dex Modifier
  • 12lbs
  • 45GP

Medium Armor

Medium Armor is a common choice for more well armed militants and mercenaries. Usually made of a combination of Tatsol plates and Kevlar, it impairs your movement a bit more than with light armor in exchange for better overall protection. If you wear medium armor, you add your Dexterity Modifier, to a maximum of +2, to the base number of the armors Armor Class.  


This crude armor consists of thick reptilian hides or furs. It is commonly worn by nomads or mercenaries that can’t afford Taksol armor but want more protection than the padded armor.
  • AC: 12+Dex Modifier (Max 2)
  • 12lbs
  • 10GP

M-11 Flak Jacket

Flak Jackets are typically made out of woven aramids with steel sewn in between the waistcoat. The Flak Jacket offers modest protection for the upper body at a relatively low cost and the cloth lets it remain silent. Was mass produced during the Peligrosa and was given to Charstania Provincial Peace Officers and, to meet demand, units in the Imperial Military.
  • AC: 13+Dex Modifier (Max 2)
  • 20lbs
  • 40GP

M-12 Coyotl Armor

The Coyotl or Coyote model of armor sets was the cheapest and most widely used set of Taksol armor. Two Plates cover the chest and abdomen in the front and two others cover the back, with shoulder pads that also provide some cover to the neck and knee pads that provide some leg protection. Under it the armor is attached to leather and/or cotton padding to prevent chafing and is strewn together with kevlar.
  • AC: 14+Dex Modifier (Max 2)
  • 45lbs
  • 75GP
  • Disadvantage on Stealth

M-13 Balam Armor

The Balam or Jaguar armor is an expensive piece of equipment custom made for the person who would be wearing it. It involves two smaller Taksol plates on the front and back connected with Kevlar straps that could be worn as tightly as possible to wear clothes over it and prevent movement from the plates to generate less noise. It's also made out of lighter materials making it much more expensive. Optionally comes with shoulder and knee armor for when things are bound to get loud.
  • AC: 14+Dex Modifier (Max 2)
  • 20lbs
  • 400GP

M-14 Quantli Armor

The Quantli or Eagle Armor consists of shaped Taksol plates that cover the wearers upper body in superior protection. Comes with shoulder guards, arm plates, plates to protect the legs and knees, and a mask that can attach to it's helmet to add some protection for the face. The M-14 makes greater use of Titanium making it lighter and tougher than it's M-12 Steel counterpart.
  • AC: 15+Dex Modifier (Max 2)
  • 40lbs
  • 650

M-13 Atomica Soldada Armor

Although the VAB-40 may have solved the infantry transportation problem at the instance of a nuclear conflict, the Ministry of the Defense wanted a way for soldiers to feel encouraged and have the ability to take ground in the event of a nuclear barrage on the battlefield. What they chalked up was the Atomica Soldada Armor (ASA), which provided decent protection against passive radiological hazards, chemical hazards and biological ones as well. The lead added extra undesirable weight to it, but the suit itself was effectively protected from the outside like a normal hazard suit. Being able to be used as a gas mask by strapping on the respirator. Additionally, the wide visor attached to the helmet has solar powered auto-darkening lens, making the user immune to effects that would cause the Blinded Condition from bright lights so that you could stare straight into the mushroom cloud. The suit comes with a small oxygen tank to use in the event of having no Filter for the mask, which lasts for one hour until it needs to be refilled again and are unaffected by effects of the spell like Cloudkill and other airborne hazards. RAD Detector sold separately.
  • AC: 14+Dex Modifier
  • 45lbs
  • Immunity to Blindness caused by light.
  • 2,000GP
  • Filter for Mask: 10GP

Heavy Armor

Heavy Armor was made for intense and violent combat on city streets and with the exception of the M-20, was usually distributed to more elite troops in the Imperial Military. Designed to take on a wide range of punishment. Heavy armor doesn’t let you add your Dexterity modifier to your Armor Class, but it also doesn’t penalize you if your Dexterity modifier is negative.  

Improvised Metal Armor

This armor is made taking leather armor and attaching metal scrap, parts and pieces onto it to create what would look like a wearable car accident. Besides it's usually unorthodox take on fashion, Improvised Metal Armor is good enough, helping blunt blows from weapons and confuse a shooter where exactly the torso begins and where it ends.
  • AC: 14
  • 40lbs
  • 30GP

M-20 Xtoloc (SHTO-lok)

The Xtoloc, or Iguana, is a set that covers most of the users body in steel Taksol armor plates layering itself in a way that looks very similar to old lamellar armor. There are gaps around the arms allowing for maneuverability, with the same amount of leg protection that the M-12 Coyote normally provides.
  • AC: 16
  • 55lbs
  • 100GP
  • Str 13
  • Disadvantage on Stealth Checks

M-21 Puma

The Puma is covered in much thicker and heavier steel Taksol plates layered like lamellar similar to the Xtoloc that had to be attached with special bolts made just for this armor onto the suit itself. The Puma provides relatively affordable protection at the cost of a bit more weight.
  • AC: 17
  • 65lbs
  • 250GP
  • Str 15
  • Disadvantage on Stealth Checks

M-22 Armadillo

The Armadillo to some is seen as overkill. This armor is made out of thick aramid fibers that completely covers the users body, with titanium Taksol plates added on to the arms, legs, chest and back. The helmet that it comes with has a decently open ballistic resistant visor that protects the face entirely. Though the profile of the armor may look similar to a bomb suit, it's over all more slim than one, not going too far on the heavy end of this suit. Regardless, it makes it the most expensive set of armor that could be found and takes a lot of resources and time to make.
  • AC: 18
  • 75lbs
  • 1,250GP
  • Str 15
  • Disadvantage on Stealth Checks


Shields can come in a variety of forms, from crap scrap to stamped from a factory, different shields in Terota can offer different capabilities and bonuses.

Scrap Shield

A small car door, trash lid with a knife taped to it. Whatever form you want it in, if it's big enough and can be fitted with some straps it's better than nothing.
  • +1 AC
  • 3lbs
  • 1GP. Requires no proficiency in tools to craft.

M-33 Shield

The M-33 is a shield with a similar profile to a smaller square riot shield. It performs well defensively against melee and against bullets due to it's Taksol material. Making it a favorite amongst warriors across Terota, whether they be mercenaries, nomads or soldiers. This shield is found everywhere.
  • +2 AC
  • 12lbs
  • 15GP

M-34 Deployable Cover

The Deployable shield is a much large, bulkier and heavier sibling of the M-33, where in the lower half of the shield that reaches down to the ground there is an anchor and two titanium Taksol wings that swing out to both sides. As an action, the shield can be anchored and deployed onto the ground stretching out it's wings 5ft on both sides to provide partial cover. Being directly behind the shield provides three-quarters cover.
  • +3 AC
  • 23lbs
  • Str 15
  • 650GP