Aurelon in Myzelis | World Anvil

Aurelon (OR-el-lawn)

Aurelon believes that light reveals the heart regardless of the form one may take, and that the spectrum of colors is as sacred as the world it paints.   They are known as the Morphic Avatar, and are depicted as a formless, faceless rainbow shimmer that spreads in warm rain.   Aurelon is Neutral Good.   Their primary domain is Light, and secondary domains are Arcana, Life, and Nature.


Neutral Good

Holy Symbol

An iridescent mirror  


Light, Arcana, Life, Nature


The Morphic Avatar


Shimming, warm, rainbow light;


Ancient Legends




Aurelon is formless and faceless, and yet shares many forms and faces with the myriad people of Myzelis. Who and what they looked like long ago is irrelevant, but what is relevant is that they are a steadfast champion of all the people, guiding the society to peace and the individual mortals to a better understanding of themselves.   Aurelon’s avatars - aethrin of every size, shape, and gender - enjoy anonymity, but those who know can see the iridescent glow in their eyes. Aurelon can be felt in the warmth of the sun on a cold day, the scent of rain, and the peace of acceptance.  


The Morphic Avatar is an advocate of meaningful self-reflection, change, and growth. Aurelon shows patience with all who seek their council, offering guidance via their aethrin followers to those who lack the power to contact them directly. They innately empathize with feelings of otherness, dysmorphia, and what it feels like to be without supportive peers or understanding family.   Aurelon does not hesitate to confront darkness, literally or metaphorically, and as an aspect of sunlight possesses a fiery personality that cannot be easily dispelled. The Avatar's energy carves through everything, their presence a healing boon to their friends and a fiery inferno for their enemies. They save their wrath for those who prevent or subdue the change and growth of others - whether through inaction or antagonism.  


The Inaethri of personal revelation is a master shapeshifter akin to the now-extinct Aethri species, and may also take on the form of a shimmering field of prismatic light. Their powers are limited only to the forms they take, intensified by their Inaethrid to make them a paragon of any race they emulate. They are aware of any shapeshifting or bodily transmutation that occurs, and may facilitate or prevent the extensive transmutation of mortal beings in their presence.   They are also supernaturally aware of emotions tethered to bodily form. Creatures who feel they are mundanely or magically trapped in the wrong body are heard by Aurelon, and (depending on the circumstances) the Inaethri will task their mortal servants to seek these people out to provide them counsel and aid.  


"I offer you light for what is hidden from you, healing for what was taken from you, and guidance for what you seek. You are welcome to us as you wish to be."
- Eobrinda, Supreme Counselor of Aurelon
  The Counselors are Aurelon's clergy, made up of priests and worshippers who have dedicated themselves to the Morphic Avatar's goals of advocacy, understanding, healthy change, and personal growth. Chapels of Aurelon - known as Houses of Change - are common throughout Gylidd, and the oldest and largest of these is in the Egwyddor District of Gylidd Syn Aethri.   As an Inaethri, Aurelon is loved and respected by Gylidd. The concepts of respect for identity, patience with personal growth, and unwavering advocacy for those in need are likely more ubiquitous in Gylidd than anywhere else in Myzelis, thanks to the history of the culture and the presence of the Rhuddinwyd. Outside of the culture shifting to elevate a more perfect avatar of personal change, it is highly unlikely that - short of Gylidd being torn apart - Aurelon will ever be destroyed.  


Aurelon is a highly active inaethri, readily providing guidance to their priests and any other beings with the power to contact them. They have spent tens of thousands of years helping aethrin understand themselves, change, and grow, and they do not waver from this tireless effort. They also seek the destruction of entities that encourage stagnation, suffering, and apathy, especially undeath.   Although it is not critical, Aurelon is also invested in the restoration of the Aethri race. Counselors not actively providing aid are often tasked to seek out secrets towards this end.  

Divine Realm

Aurelon's outer plane is Chrysalis, a supremely morphic elemental plane of radiance that burns away the false self and reveals the truth. Those who join Aurelon in the afterlife find peace both within and without, and are no longer tethered to even the memory of their mortal body. Aurelon's plane is suffused with celestials and elementals of radiance, the final form of those who have spent long enough in the Morphic Avatar's presence to reforge themselves anew.  


Aurelon's favored weapon is Refraction, an axe made of raw radiance whose arc is a brilliant flash of light.  


Kajender Aurelon was born near the very beginning of the Inaethrite Era. Legends about their first form commonly infer that they were once a human ranger who helped a nameless king root out an enclave of assassins in their capital city. Rather than allow the assassins to track them back to their friends and family, the urban hunter sacrificed their life to stifle the guild’s final counterattack, leading the royal guard directly to their enclave.   Aurelon’s Inaethrid begins here, where the King makes good on their alliance to have a coven of druids (or possibly warlocks, it is unclear tens of thousands of years later) reincarnate them into the form of an orc, who then continued to work wonders within the burgeoning civilization - ensuring that it survived to present day. Time and again they offered their life for their people, and time and again the druids (or warlocks) brought them back in yet another new form to continue their struggle. The centuries of reincarnation bought Aurelon a very long life and unique perspective on each of the races that the Aethri became throughout this era.  



Aurelon's Radiant Son

Twenty five thousand years ago, when the Brume was at its height and the Inaethrite Era's Age of Stone had just begun, the city of Gylidd Syn Aethri was a mere several thousand years into its first founding's nascency. The Realm of Gylidd, host to tens of thousands of Inaethri and their Aethri and Aethrin followers, barely shared a common language, much less a unifying creed.   It was into this time that the ancestors' ancestors of the ones who would become the founding parents of the Demon City of Tsar reached through the cosmos in search of power. In the darkness it found them, in the form of a nameless Demon Prince of Undeath that they would come to serve and call The Master. Transplanted across time and space, the vile monster took root and usurped power from lesser evils, concentrating it within itself until it became one of the first truly foreign to Myzelis to undergo an Inaethrid of their own.   They molded the Aethri that served them into demons, destroyed and then raised their mortal Aethrin followers into undead, and turned their merciless attention to the squabbling cultures that had grown prosperous and fat around the hope of the Rhuddinwyd. Thousands of gods fell at their claws and the might of their skull-tipped mace, as the Master's Armies destroyed and converted their supplicants. With each one that fell, the Demon Prince's power grew.   The wisest, strongest, and luckiest Inaethri survived for a while yet, and realized that they could not oppose the Master head on. Though they were in many cases often at odds with one another, the circumstance forced them to strategize with each other, and eventually agree that the best course of action was to invest in champions of their own.   One such hero was emblazoned upon this coin. Commemorated for all time as the voice of Aurelon, a Sun God from the very beginning of the Inaethrite Era. The Morphic Avatar saw a deep well of potential in their Radiant Son, and appeared to him in many visions to guide him not only to oppose the Master but to ally himself with the champions of the other allied Inaethri.   To serve the party as a fountain of life, and the Realm as a beacon of light.   The Master's hold upon Gylidd was mighty, but it was also tenuous and tethered to temples spread across the land. Where the armies of the Inaethri opposed to the Demon Prince were repelled like a hammer on a shield, the Inaethric Chosen pierced through literal and metaphysical armor to strike true, and sever The Master's hold. The abyssal faithful were shattered, smashed, and scattered to the winds, and the Master's power was also banished to the ends of the Realm and into the Brume beyond.   Though the Inaethrid of some of the unknown cleric's friends have survived to present day - Eblin, Falkeroc, and Rasifal just to name a few - clearly the Radiant Son of Aurelon sought nothing more or less than to join with the radiance of his eternal parent in death. Now, though not every ray of brilliant sunlight is his, a mote of his light is carried of each of them.