Combined Army of the Karieban Federation

From a trio of large but scattered nomadic tribes to the bulwark that holds the Brume at bay from consuming Terota, the Karieban peoples have been kept safe by a diverse array of brave soldiers from regions all across Karieba who are willing to put their lives on the line. Seen as a backwater in the times of the Arenian Empire’s rule, modern Karieba is now home to military innovations that would have simultaneously humbled and baffled the Empires best engineers and soldiers. Between the reverse engineering of the Arenian Empire’s fixed wing fighter aircraft and unique tactics enabled by their Sevalaćian population, there have been many military innovations that have come from the lands to the north that cause disbelief to the Imperial remnant forces on the peninsula.   The RKF for most of the post-war period underwent a process of disarmament rather than ramping up military development like most of Terota. The Sejm and Federation was formed after kicking out the Imperial forces that were stationed in Karieba, mostly in an attempt to maintain peace as centuries of warfare and feuds threatened to spiral all of Karieba into chaos. As a result one of the priorities for the new government was nearly complete disarmament save for Lytsari at the Brume border, and garrisons at the coast that were kept not just small, but intentionally understrength. When the Imperial 1st Army attacked in 2336, there were only 25,000 Lytsari that were able to react, and there were not enough rifles to hand out to volunteers to defend Keskellen. In the end they only won due to the over extension of the 1st Army, and took heavy casualties and the civilian population in the region was devastated. So for observers alive back then, to see how the RKF evolved now is staggering to say the least with the establishment of the Combined Army commonly known as the PAF. Their standing military is the largest in Terota, consisting of around 750,000 soldiers, however, they struggle to keep a substantial amount of reserves due to how rural and divided the country is making the army vulnerable to casualties as they won't be able to easily replenish losses. Currently they boast the largest air force in the realm with a complement of around 400 fixed wing fighter aircraft which are mostly prop fighters, but with a surprising amount of their domestically produced jets to defend against the Imperial 1st Army if they would invade again. They also field 50 high-altitude gunships and transports, and 750 thopters of various quality and models. Their navy is, by the numbers, the smallest in the post-war era, however when raw tonnage in the water is concerned they put up respectable numbers due to the eight dreadnaught battleships that guard their coasts, each with an armament of nine 406mm cannons in triple turrets and various calibres of smaller hardpoints. Additionally they also have two carriers imported from their close allies the Republic of the Arediāna. Their ground forces are made up of mostly light infantry and artillery cannons. However, their quality of light infantry is high, training many to be Paratroopers, and have the resilient and stealthy Stalkers move around and support units when needed. Their fleet of land vehicles proportional to the size of the military is very thin, mainly depending on their elite Lytsari on the back of Sevalaćians as it’s more sustainable for their industrial base than maintaining an amount of vehicles to support the size of units they field.   Service in the military is comprised roughly a 50/50 split between volunteers and conscripts, only having the amount of volunteers they do after the rise in pro-federalization sentiment after the attempted invasion of the 1st Army following a relatively long period of peace and the potential financial and social incentives with joining. Enlistees are treated to the military’s robust regime of Physical Training (PT), as well as combat training. Nobility are allowed to enroll directly into the Officer’s Academy to be put on the fast track to a commission. Additionally, enlisted soldiers that have displayed exceptional combat and tactical acumen and who have been shown to acquit themselves well may apply to join the Officer’s Academy after reaching sufficient rank. Officers in the RKF military are nobility, and being promoted to the first of the commissioned ranks comes with it an official title, allowing one’s descendents to enroll directly into the officer’s track. This practice has been lambasted by outspoken critics that say that such behavior and accepting of nepotism appointments are counter-intuitive to a well functioning machine.   The RKF, following the high of defeating the Imperial 1st Army and their allies in the Battle for Puerto Esperanza, has waded in a strange spot of interventionist and even Imperialist adventures on the Talaernian Peninsula for the past 4 years, while also being mostly built defensive in nature. This is partly fueled by a want of revenge for the sacking of Keskellen, but also as their way of playing catch up in a world where, for the most part, they are technologically inferior to their peers. Although a late start, Paratroopers and Stalkers serve, to a small extent, their own ambitions for greatness searching for some sort of edge in the ruins despite the very limited capabilities they have in expeditions, while also assisting their Arediāni allies in their own operations.

Salak! Salak! Salak!

Rosa Z.   Formal Name
Połączonej Armii Federacji Karieba
Founding Date
2336 ISC
Military, Army
Alternative Names
PAF, the Federal Army, the Combined Army, the Kareiban Military
Ruling Organization

Culture of the Karieban Military

There is without a doubt a classic example of classism and a superiority complex baked into the very DNA of the PAF, due to their strict adherence to their status as a feudal society. Especially in modern times, this has caused friction between the ruling class and the commoners. While the military goes to great lengths to propagandize the ascension of an NCO to the ranks of the nobility, in reality such things do not happen very often. Many talented Główny Wódz candidates have spent years and some even decades waiting for their appointment. There is a strict adherence to the ranking hierarchy with a couple of very specific exceptions. The Wódz Feldmarszałek in charge of the Lytsari when addressing matters of the Brume and the defense of the northern border is given leave to dismiss orders from anybody save the Królowa if they feel it would interfere with their duty. Typically, Drugi Feldmarszałek in charge of particular specialized unit types are deferred to when their specialization is concerned as well (though they do not have the power to directly disobey orders as the commander of the Lytsari does).   Officers are just as much nobility as they are soldiers, and as such are expected to adhere to etiquette standards appropriate of their station. The influence of nobility is evident down to the salute of the forces, which is performed with both hands making a fist, one coming behind the back parallel to the ground, the other to the chest, as if holding a sword in a duelist’s salute, planting the left foot with the right coming to stand directly next to it with a stomp. When directly addressing a CO, protocol is to address with their preferred identifier (Ser/Ma’am), defaulting to Ser if unknown.   Among the ranks of the Non-Commissioned Officers and their subordinates, there is a strong bond of camaraderie within a unit born from the inherent need to have someone look out for you. Many of the officers gaining their positions via nepotism, many units within their enlisted ranks would watch out for themselves better than their commanding officers. First Sergeants would often take de facto command of a Battle Group, or at least be ready to, in case they get an officer that is incompetent. An unusual and sometimes uncomfortable microsocial environment would then develop around the Battle Group, becoming self sufficient where the lower class of officers are only needed to relay orders and information. Sometimes they’re not even needed to do the bare minimum of being a walking telegram, with a First Sergeant or Master Chief in rare cases taking control of the entire Company while the Lieutenant or Captain slacks off.  

Branches of the Combined Army

The Karieban Military, while largely a light infantry and cavalry based force for most of its existence, has modernized into a triumvirate of branches that now cover land, air, and sea effectively to maintain security of the country’s borders.  

Royal Karieban Army (RKA)

The RKA is the branch of the military focused on dealing with ground based threats. It is also the largest branch, making up 45% of all soldiers as they must simultaneously protect themselves from the Brume and foreign invaders. They operate with large amounts of light infantry and calvary, as well as a relatively small but growing amount of mechanized and armor units naturally accompanied by artillery cannons. The RKA is mostly known for it’s elite formations of Paratroopers Lytsari, who are what most people think of when they think of the Federations military. However, it’s still mostly comprised basic light infantry units that garrison regions bordering the Brume and in areas where civil conflict may arise like in the Serv region, Republic of Kemenov, and Republic of Viljakova regions in Kuria.  

Royal Karieban Air Force (RKAF)

The newest branch of the Combined Army, the RKAF came about after the Invasion of Jarvkoti and technological innovations have given them access to the third theater of combat: the sky. Most operations are conducted with thopters mounted with various types of armament from machine guns to explosives, there are a number of high flying gunships that are armed with more powerful artillery. The RKAF also have access to the largest BC-20 airship fleet in the post-war era, and are often depended on for the logistical operations that the PAF military need in order to function. They also proudly employ a number of their own domestically produced jet fighters known as Źrebak 72s, so named for the year they were first developed and are the result of reverse engineering old Arenian PV-20’s. The Źrebak’s are often exported to Republic waters for their relatively cheap tag price and maintenance costs.  

Royal Karieban Navy (RKN)

By and large the smallest branch of the Combined Army, the Navy is still nothing to scoff at. Manned mostly with Jarvkoti sailors, the navy focuses on the strengths of fighting close to home and creating an impenetrable defense, the branch is mainly concerned with protecting their own shores. At their for the RKN employs a surprisingly large number of domestically produced Battleships, declared to be at 4, with plans to produce one more by the end of the decade, that are meant to protect the coast. Each one is supported by a flotilla of patrol boats, cruisers built for air defense, as well as nearby stationed mid-range aircraft that are able to intercept air threats to the massive ships. As a result they’re leashed to the coast due to the lack of a larger fleet. Truly embodying quality over quantity. While they may not be the fastest or most agile ships compared to their Arediāni allies, their overwhelming firepower of their large guns is not to be trifled with. They also have two aircraft carriers, the KFS Grozhniy and Prezia, each capable of transporting 20 fixed wing aircraft and 10 thopters both of which were imported from the Republic to keep security in case of another invasion from the Imperial 1st Army.  

Special Forces Formations

Beyond just the standard Army, Navy, and Air Force, there exist a number of special formations that represent the peak of Karieban military excellence. To be accepted into any of the three programs is considered a great honor, and as such any that are able to graduate are typically expected to get the insignia of their formation tattooed on their body as a badge.  

Royal Paratroopers

A formation that functions not only as the elite soldiers of the PKF, but also as strategic deployment. Members of the regular army can apply for the Paratrooper program, and it is one of the few honors in the military that is garnered solely on merit and not on connections. In order to gain admission into the paratroopers, those who have applied must pass an in-depth physical and mental gauntlet of tests. They are represented by the Lataćkonik, a horned pegasus with a red coat and white mane, tail, and wings.   Upon being accepted into the program soldiers are subjected to intense amounts of Physical Training (PT), as well as tests of combat and tactical acumen. Additionally, each officer in the Royal Paratroopers is trained and expected to maintain a pilot’s license. Even lower ranking members of the Royal Paratroopers are given training in leading a squadron, as it is not uncommon for drops to go awry and companies to be broken apart. Each soldier is also taught survival skills for Terota’s different biomes. Each Royal Paratrooper upon completion of training is expected to be able to survive in the wilderness for a week with nothing but standard supplies they would have on them. One well lauded combat demonstration of this skill was when the Golden Lion of Prezia, a war hero and still living legend, was caught behind enemy lines while his entire unit was thought dead. He managed to not only survive alone behind enemy lines for a week, but using his rifle was able to eliminate close to 40 officers and 30 soldiers of the Imperial 1st Army invaders, scavenging for ammunition off his kills until he was able to escape to friendly forces. His actions delayed reinforcements significantly, and were in no small part key to repelling the invasion.  


Units who are wilderness survivalists specializing in scouting and reconnaissance. While they may not receive the extensive all round training that the Royal Paratroopers do, Stalkers are peerless in their speciality. If the Paratrooper training could be considered a challenge, then training to be a Stalker is living in a green hell and it’s not unheard of for soldiers to die in training. Stalker units have a reputation for being able to vanish into the wilderness for weeks or even months at a time with just occasional radio contact and are extremely self sufficient. Stalkers adopt a lot of ideas from Kurian hunters and military history, as well as the hunters of forests of Las Duchow and the Niska Barriera mountains where the name Stalker comes from, referring to how a hunter would stalk their prey. They have a reputation for being both too casual and very intense. A Stalkers uniform is often not kept up to standard and is personalized often, the justification being no one is going to even see them most of the time to be able to complain. They’re also characterized as being very independently minded due to how they operate, which causes a bit of tension between them and officers from other units. Stalkers are never more than Brigade size, and act with a high degree of autonomy. They're formation insignias usually involves a snarling wolf’s head.    


What was once the backbone of the Prezian military and largely considered the reason the original settlers were able to outrun the Brume, the Lytsari now is reserved for ceremonial displays as well as guarding the borders of the land against the Brume. A dedicated host of riders trained from day one with a Sevalaćian foal while still young, the riders and their mounts form a bond of understanding and cooperation that lasts a lifetime. It is common and even expected for a retiring Lytsari to bring their companion with them, as the two have likely fought together for many years. Their attire incorporates large wings placed on the back of the saddle and coming up behind the rider’s back. The famed “wings” were used for intimidation until it was discovered that when engineered properly they could produce a sound frequency when at a gallop that beasts of the Brume find extremely unpleasant, aiding in their role as the frontier’s defenders.
  The Lytsari have an old and storied history, and as such garner great respect from all people of Karieba. They are defenders against Vrokiva’s wrath, every day risking life and limb for the safety and continuation of the Karieban way of life. As such, this is the only specialized formation who’s chief commander is awarded the rank of Wódz Feldmarszałek, and the incumbent commander has the authority to override anyone short of the current monarch in matters of defense against the Brume. They are symbolized by three horses charging towards the viewer.  

KOSS (Królewski Opiekun Służby Specjalne)

  As time has gone on and the landscape of warfare has evolved it has become increasingly obvious that the delicate touch of a few hand picked soldiers can accomplish more than a larger organized forces. Formed after witnessing the Arediāni Republic's ORCA program in action, the Royal Retainer Special Service is not an exact example of a standardized branch of Special Forces. It is a designation given to soldiers personally selected by a Książę or Księżniczka Feldmarszałek to enter their personal service. Entrance qualifications are not listed as they are constantly evolving along with the tactical needs of each Feldmarszałek to further their specific end goals. Soldiers added into the KOSS retain their rank and their normal branch certification for logistical purposes, however they operate on the authority of their Książę or Księżniczka, and as such are given a great deal of liberty in how they choose to pursue their missions. This includes choosing to disclose their identity as a KOSS operative, their armament, attire, and to override an officer of higher rank. They may also request access to classified materials if necessary.
  Typically, only more senior soldiers are selected as such autonomy and ability to supersede higher ranking officers is something only trusted to individuals that have proven to be exceptionally dedicated to the Federation. If this power is shown to be abused or the Książę or Księżniczka finds their performance lacklustre, these privileges may be revoked at their discretion. They are symbolized by the Federation Eagle in silver diving from top left to bottom right over a gold lightning bolt.  

Ranks in the Combined Army

While built up of a body of talented soldiers from top to bottom, the top heavy structure of the PAF has been criticized by some contemporaries as “outdated, with a focus on preserving noble traditions at the expense of quality.” This is a valid criticism where even casual observers would be able to notice the peculiarities of its structure, as there are six ranks for enlisted soldiers, and ten for officers. The issue is further compounded as a large number of lower caliber officers (mostly under N-3) that are in their positions due to nepotism. While the majority are talented officers that have earned their rank, the number of people that are likely unfit for their position is between 15-20%. This sometimes would be the cause of inter unit conflicts with no easy resolution, and has brought with it instances of fratricide and black mail between officers and even enlisted soldiers. Although uncommon, the word for when an officer would be killed due to these conflicts is known as being “Wybrany” or “Chosen” due to the covert nature of these murders and as a reference to more ancient Karieban history when the Vsevolod of Prezia who was infamous for marking nobles for death if he didn’t trust them.   The separation between full Commissioned Officers and NCOs is a larger difference than pay grade: all officers are considered at least minor nobility and are granted a title as such. While they may not enjoy the status of controlling land or having people at their whim, it is still a degree of privilege commoners do not have.    


Attaining a higher rank and achieving more responsibility and privileges is something that many soldiers strive to do with their career. Promotions from within the Enlisted and NCO ranks of C-1 to C-4 are standardized and if a soldier can display the qualities required for a higher rank they may be put in for a promotion.   Beyond the first few ranks of Enlisted, things get more complicated. To attain the rank of Wódz, a soldier must put in for the Officer Ascension Program. This is a process in which the candidate would go through an abridged version of the Officer’s Academy. Upon being accepted the soldier is promoted, and once more to Glówny Wódz upon being finished. From here the process stagnates, as the process of actually ascending to Porucznik requires a noble to sponsor or vouch for a candidate. This can and has resulted several times in 20 year combat veterans being talked down to by a fresh out of school Porucznik, or a viable military leader being passed up for things such as not impressing nobles enough at dinner parties. When a NCO is ascended however, it is a very widely shown and talked about event to maintain morale.   Promotion through the officer ranks is at the discretion of the soldier’s CO in most situations, though it isn’t unheard of another higher ranking officer taking an interest in a particular soldier’s talents and transferring and promoting them (usually to improve their own unit’s renown).  

Royal Officer’s Academy

A prestigious institution that serves as the entrance into being an officer in any of the RKF branches. Enrolment is limited to nobles of any type, even minor ones that just own land. Commoners wishing to attend must enlist and progress through the ranks. The program is four years long and has the added benefit of serving as a full college education with graduates also receiving a degree in their field of study. Classes cover things such as military tactics, STEM knowledge, elective humanities courses, specialty courses for different branches of service, and mandatory etiquette classes. This serves as the gateway to nobility, be it for children of current nobles or those who have been selected for elevation. Graduates are given preferential appointments to specialized branches they may wish to enroll in.  

On Other Branches

All three branches of the military use the same ranking system with the exception of the Feldmarszałek ranks: the RKAF uses the Niebomarszałek (air marshal), and the Navy uses Admerał.  


Upon retirement or moving back into civilian life, soldiers keep their rank and benefits of being within the military as well as an annual sum dependent on rank, if they have served at least 8 years. While their official title is appended with “Emerytowany”, when interacting with other military personnel both active and retired, it is common to still be referred to by their rank if they kept on good terms.
  When an officer that has served a lengthy tenure (at least 20 years), they are treated to a monthly stipend determined by their rank for their continued service. Additionally, they are typically promoted one rank for an extended career. If the officer in questions service was distinguished and an honour is warranted, an officer may be promoted two ranks.    

Enlisted and NCO Ranks

Pay GradeRank & AbbreviationDescription
C-0 Rekrut rkt. Recruit: Someone who has enlisted and is in training. Jeździec added for officers in training (nobles/landowners only).
C-1 Wieśniak wsk. Commoner: Most enlistees begin here, and are considered able to perform basic soldier duties like marching, fighting, and following orders, as well as manual labor. The insignia is one bar going vertically in the middle of the epaulet which on the formal uniform is red.
C-2 Kapral kpl. Corporal: Top recruits in their respective boot groups may be started at this rank. Specialized units such as snipers or medics due to their additional training are started here. Two white bars stretching vertically.
C-3 Sierżant szt. Sergeant: The first actual NCO. Leads a squad of 5 to 10 soldiers, themselves included. Unit size is determined by purpose and specialty. Three white bars stretching vertically.
C-4 Pierwszy Sierżant pzt. First Sergeant: Assigned to command, usually along with a Lieutenant, to command a Battle Group of soldiers. Three white bars stretching vertically with a gold star in the middle.
C-5 Wódz wdz. Chief: Identical responsibilities to a First Sergeant, however this rank is awarded when a soldier is granted acceptance into the Officer’s Academy. Three white bars stretching vertically with two gold stars on the middle bar.
C-6 Główny Wódz gdz. Master Chief: Rank awarded upon successful completion of Ascension Program, and while awaiting sponsorship by a noble family to be elevated to a Commissioned Officer and be granted a title. Three white bars stretching vertically with three gold stars on the middle bar.

Officer Ranks

Pay GradeRank & AbbreviationDescription
N-N Rekrut* jdz.rkt. Unranked but enrolled in Officer’s Academy. Jeździec title was added to the soldier's rank.
N-1 Porucznik jdz.pck. Lieutenant: The start of the officer track upon graduating from the Officer’s Academy, or upon being elevated from a NCO rank. Typically in charge of a Battle Group. The insignia is a gold pin of the Eagle of Salak located on the middle of the epaulet.
N-2 Kapitan jdz.kpt. Captain: Given command of a company, typically between 100-250 soldiers. Because of the unusually large size of a RKF Company, they usually have a Lieutenant to assist them in commanding it on top of being responsible for the Lieutenants in the company. A gold pin of the Eagle of Salak perched on a sword.
N-3 Główny jdz.gny Major: Soldiers with this rank are typically assigned as specialized executive or operations officers for battalion sized units, and also can be found in command of a company of soldiers. A gold pin of the Eagle of Salak wielding two swords with its talons.
N-4 Podkommandant jdz.pkd Sub-commander: The subcommander is often found as the XO to a Commander that would be in charge of a battalion, but can also be in charge of a battalion of their own. The Eagle of Salak wielding two swords flanked on its side by stalks of Delphinium that is found in the Las Duchow forests.
N-5 Kommandant jdz.kdt Commander: The usual commanding officer of a batalion sized unit, which is around 250-1250 soldiers. Also found as a staff officer within a Brigade. The Eagle of Salak wielding two swords flanked on its side by stalks of Delphinium that is found in the Las Duchow forests, with a crown below the eagle.
N-6 Wysoki Kommandant s.jdz.wkt High Commander: Often found as the commander of a Brigade, which consists of 1,250-7,500 troops, or as the XO to a Brigadier Fieldmarshal. Achieving this rank and beyond is what many career officers aspire to within the RKF Military. Thankfully, to those who are critical of the nepotism found in the military, it is mostly those who are qualified. They are senior officers who have served at least 15 years of service and 3 as a commander. Szlachteny Jeździec is used from here on out for an officer’s title. The Eagle of Salak wielding two swords flanked on its side by stalks of Delphinium that is found in the Las Duchow forests, with a crown below the eagle with gold threading making the border of the epaulet instead of white.
N-7 Brygady Feldmarszałek s.jdz.bgd.fdm Brigadier Fieldmarshal: The commander of a Brigade, unlike the High Commander, can command Brigades that have relative autonomy within a Division. To be promoted to this rank requires being recommended by the Chief Fieldmarshal of the Division the officer belongs too. After nominees are chosen, their promotion is confirmed upon a vote of the Sejm if the position is open. The Eagle of Salak wielding two swords flanked on its side by stalks of Delphinium that is found in the Las Duchow forests, with a crown below the eagle. Above the Eagle is one cavalry lance pointing upwards.
N-8 Drugi Feldmarszałek s.jdz.dgi.fdm Second Fieldmarshal: This rank was originally the XO to a Chief Fieldmarshal of a Division, but as the RKF began remilitarizing from a long period of peace, the demands of modern warfare saw the use of more specialized senior staff officers for specific doctrine and policy to be used within a Division like with reconnaissance, logistics etc. It is not uncommon for senior officers to specialize instead of pursuing a higher rank. Officers who are nominated may request this position, if not nominated for it already. As usual the promotion is confirmed by vote of the Sejm. Almost always deferred to over a higher ranking Fieldmarshal when pertaining to their speciality. The Eagle of Salak wielding two swords flanked on its side by stalks of Delphinium that is found in the Las Duchow forests, with a crown below the eagle. Above the Eagle are two cavalry lances crossed with each other.
N-9 Wódz Feldmarszałek s.jdz.wdz.fdm Chief Fieldmarshal: As the commander of a division, they are responsible for around 25,000-50,000 troops. They are carefully chosen from a list of nominees that have served at least 25 years in the military by the Marshal of the Sejm and a council of other Chief Fieldmarshals. It also involves an investigation of their background by the Federal Investigation Service. The Eagle of Salak wielding two swords flanked on its side by stalks of Delphinium that is found in the Las Duchow forests, with a crown below the eagle. Above the Eagle is a depiction of a Lytsari.
N-10 Najwyższy Feldmarszałek s.jdz.nży.fdm Supreme Fieldmarshal: Oversees the operations of an entire army. It is the highest rank an officer can get during peacetime. Maximum limit depends on the current size of the military in times of peace, and may be increased during wartime as needed. Currently there are four Supreme Fieldmarshals appointed to command four separate armies in Karieba; one in Kuria, one in Prezia, and two in Jarvkoti. The insignia is ironically stripped down to its more bare ideas, with just the Eagle of Salak in the middle of the epaulet colored in silver but the background now in gold embroidery.
N-R Książę or Księżniczka Feldmarszałek Prince or Princess Fieldmarshal: Rank only granted to members of the Prezian Royal Family in times of war. Typically in charge of coordinating a theater of combat. The epaulet has no insignia but is braided with gold threads interlocking with each other with the Shield of Salak in the middle, symbolizing that they are the Eagle in spirit.

Awards and Honours of the RKF


Medal of Salak

The highest honour a soldier can be bestowed. Directly awarded by the current ruler for outstanding bravery, for someone who has gone above and beyond the call of action and made a lasting impression on Karieban history through their deeds. The medal is a depiction of Salak holding a pole in its talons, from which descends a white ribbon with gold trim which has the insignia of the crown embroidered in the middle..   Notable Recipients: Paweł Miroczuznik, awarded posthumously for his defense of the city of Prezia in the early 800s; Maria Pieć, for valiantly charging into the Brume to save civilians on her patrol; The Golden Lion of Prezia Vasiły Zajtżewa, for his invaluable service during the 1st Army’s invasion.  

Medal of the Opieka

An honour awarded to soldiers who gave their lives in order to save others either directly or indirectly. Families with the Medal of the Opieka are given support by a local noble or Federal government in the form of finances and gifts as is their legal obligation to do so. It is a small gold shield depicting a Lystari in the middle. The ribbon is two white stripes flanking a red one.  

Hataman’s Medal

Honour awarded by a Hataman for exceptional service in the line of duty during a military operation against the Brume or an opposing military force. The origin of the medal is from Hataman’s awarding their own warriors for their bravery in battle. It is a gold horse reared up standing on a platform under which a solid red ribbon is attached.  
Footnote on Organization
Zahin (Squad): 3-8
Boyova Hrupa (Battle Group): 15-40
Firma (Company): 100-250
Batalion: 250-1250
Brygada: 1250-7000
Dział (Division): 25,000-50,000
Armia: 150,000-225,000
  Tooth to Tail: 1:4.5