Here Be Monsters Military Conflict in Myzelis | World Anvil

Here Be Monsters

This is a concluded event.
      On the 1st of Tahla, with Grand Duke Gregori XIV’s plan to unleash Dire Beasts into Myzelis to destroy civilization having been thwarted, the rest of Myzelis is no longer under threat of further disasters stemming from his ploy. For now, the invading forces of Vrokíva's Messengers have been defeated and driven out of Skafisle, who now enjoys a shaky but steady alliance with The Dire Isle to prevent anything like this from happening again in the future.   The new realm of Tharna has been uncovered by the Brume as a result of these events, and what role this mysterious new island will play in Myzelis’ future is yet to be seen...
Start Date
30th of Asha, 0 AE (3518 AI)
Ending Date
1st of Tahla, 0 AE (3518 AI)

Detailed Timeline of Events


Asha 11th

  On Asha 11th 0 AE (3518 AI), the Augur of the Mist has a premonition of what is to come.    
    Silodo Beach, East of Asheido and just West of Vrokiva’s Grasp
    Shortly after midnight
      The night sky was a perfect blend of shimmering starlight, ethereal moonlight, and dense black clouds pregnant with rain. The white, frothy churn of the sea glittered whenever the clouds broke apart, glowing until the windows of sky light were consumed and all that could be perceived was the endless roar as the water pummeled the shore. The Brume of Vrokíva - which the winds of the Binding Sea had kept perpetually at bay - was getting closer in giant, roiling waves as tall as the Rachis Range.
      Though the sea breeze continued to strengthen and blow inland, one cloud of white mist was moving against the sky, flowing between trees, across whispering grasslands over the silent stones of the shore. It was spread out and thin, searching the landscape with a hushed urgency. Eventually it came to the edge of a natural breakwater formed of ancient, displaced mountain shear, jutting out along the shoreline and ending in a series of tall, mossy rocks each the size of a building. A figure at the point where the sea spray kissed the rocks drew the attention of the animate mist, which flowed effortlessly along the jetty until it arrived a few feet from the lone individual standing vigil over the storm.   The mist condensed quickly, gaining the ruddy pink color of flesh, the mint green of Gylidd, and separating the grey of its vapor into concentrations of black and white, until finally it became a whole being clad in mithril half-plate covered in layers of flowing fabric that danced in the wind. A gentle green glow began to illuminate the other figure from behind, as the Advocate’s footsteps could finally be heard closing the distance until they were side by side.   “It is a breathtaking sight, Siv.” Amrith began, his soft voice slightly louder than usual to compensate for the weather. “But sadly I imagine its Chimrianisi is not why you called.”   Osivsrebrel’s grey robes whipped and lashed about her, the raven feathers that adorned her garb bristled and wild in the constant wind. When she turned toward Amrith, it wasn’t the swivel at the waist that most aethrin performed, but a bestial pivot leading with her face, followed by her shoulders and then a circling pace that brought her before him. Even in the intermittent darkness, the water that had dewed on the thin, grey fur that now coated her elven face was as apparent as the lambent yellow eyes that stared down the Advocate. When her dark lips parted to speak, her breath raked through sharpened teeth. “She comes.”   The ley vampire’s own eyes reflected the moonlight with a green tint as he matched Siv’s aggressive stare. His expression was far more relaxed, but receptive in the way a wind vane observes the wind but does not bend. His eyes shifted from feature to feature across the druid’s expression, reading far more from it than her few words conveyed.   “What can be done?” He asked.   She drew in several scenting breaths as he spoke, and then her posture straightened from a predatory lean. Though she did not ease back — far too energized to relax entirely — her voice was more composed when she answered.   “This time, a sacrifice to sate Her emissary. The storm that it travels with must pass through, it was already on a path here. With appeasement,” the Greyfaith says, her lips curling around the word, “of the spirit within it, the storm will become like any other. Strong... but survivable. Something has begged Her response. Something elsewhere. This is a ripple.”   Amrith turned his head to look past their conversation, breathing in for the first time since he arrived and absorbing a lungful of sea air. As he slowly cleared his lungs, he mulled over the scent as carefully as his pale eyes scanned the turbulent, storm-tossed horizon. His breath was barely audible, but came across as a sigh - perhaps of relief.   “Gylidd will do what it can to show our sympathy for Her pain, as you suggest.” The ley vampire saved just enough breath to finish his sentence. “Do you have suspicions as to where this ripple began?”   Osivsrebrel directed his gaze with her own facing, speaking in stern edict and prophecy. “Far to the south, in frozen land and frigid ocean. It will come in waves instead of a continuous storm, if the sacrifice is fulfilled. All Gylidder must abstain from taking, or give back what they have taken, as they have done before. All of the Arwenir are required for a ritual. All who have spell energy to yield must do that. You must draw it out from them with the Ley. I will use that power to quell the spirit within the storm.”   The Advocate of Gylidd drew a hand up to his mint green scarf to pull it down so that Siv could see him clearly nodding in immediate agreement.   “I will gather them on the day.” His reply was quick, clear, and unmuddied by the storm. “All I need to know is when.”   “One week. It will arrive in force under the fullness of Selisruun’s bright glare, and the Arwenir must be here to meet it then.”   “I’ll take care of it.” Amrith smiled, gently. “Thank you, Siv.”   The ley vampire’s corporeal form began to disintegrate into mist, his kind eyes and smile the last to depart as the southerly wind carried him back towards Gylidd.

Asha 30th

  On Asha 30th, an artificer and diplomat named Valen Hopfoot, representative of the Research Enclave of Skafisle, delivers the following statement on the floor of the Gyliddring of Gylidd:    
  "People of Myzelis, my name is Urdin Velaf, Grand Chairman of Skafisle's Research Enclave. I come bearing grim news, and a warning.   Over the past few weeks sightings of Huge mutant monstrosities have been cropping up across western Skafisle. These creatures, which we have identified as "Dire Beasts" are not native to Skafisle, and the many wizards of our institute have divined that they come from The Dire Isle. We do not yet know how these Dire Beasts have found their way into our land, but they are wrecking havoc in our settlements; attacking our cities; and massacring our citizens. Our capital of Syn Vather has already come under attack from a slew of hydras and tyrannosaurs.   This will not stand! If any parties, especially from The Dire Isle, are aware of what could cause such a large influx of such powerful creatures into our realm, those parties are encouraged to step forward and work together with our mages to craft the quickest possible solution. We want these beasts out of our realm for good! If this is an attack against our people, it will not be tolerated and any parties involved in such a reprehensible attack will be met with full force. As we speak our allies in the Imperium are mobilizing their armies to stand against these Dire Beasts, and we have set aside our differences with Vrittania as well, who are lending their navy to hold back Dire Forces on the shore. We have also recruited a group of local heroes known as The Den to root out the problem at its source.   Make no mistake, we will find whatever force is responsible for sending these monsters to our home. If sending these Dire Beasts is a declaration of war, we are prepared to meet it."   -Urdin Velaf, Grand Chairman of The Research Enclave of Skafisle

Souma 10th

  The following letter, dated Asha 30th, was leaked to various news outlet across Myzelis on Souma 10th. The origin of the leak has yet to be identified.    
  From, Eustace Gnosta, Senior Councilwoman and Head of Operations of the Alpha League To, Urdin Velaf, Grand Chairman of The Research Enclave of Skafisle Sir, My apologies for the late reply. In my absence from the Isle, it seems another succession war has broken out, and communications with my colleagues on the Isle have been delayed as a result. Hopefully the Hegemony will put a top to such silliness quickly. In regard to your earlier letter dated Asha 28th, the tactic of sneaking Dire Beasts into settlements is not unknown to us. The only difference seems to be scale. I’ve never heard of more than three Beasts being released at once. This says to me that, as you surmised, that there may be a well-organized group behind the attacks. Worse, some of my researchers working on the problem were arrested when Grand Duke Gregori’s army moved through Ohrizond. In a slim silver lining, it seems the Wrenjers have an expedition on the Isle, based in Petromatis in the north of the Isle, and it is through them that I have any communication at all. I am awaiting word from their liaison, though it seems they too are having issues with the Grand Duke’s maneuvers.   Your ob’t servant Eustace Alcinia Yerimatis Kamateros Gnosta

Souma 15th

  On Souma 15th, a human bard named Archimedes Theodorou, scribe and diplomat for the Magnus Imperium of Skafisle, delivers a statement to the floor of the Gyliddring of Gylidd on behalf of the Skafic Emperor Alexander Thebes III. Soon after, transcripts of the address are circulated to other Realms through various publications, including the Eslaiqi organization, Blue Press News.    
"Good people of Myzelis!   My name is Alexander Thebes III. I have the honor of being crowned Eperor of the Magnus Imperium of Skafisle. No doubt you have heard the cries of discontent made by our allies in The Research Enclave regarding the dangerous Dire Beasts. Cries which we heeded by sending our mighty legions to secure the borders of our allies as well as our own. Together we have felled several dozen of these monsters with our might and magic combined.   We have discovered that the party responsible for sending these monstrosities into our land are a Cult originating from The Dire Isle who call themselves 'Vrokiva's Messengers'. Apparently the 'message' they wish to send involves the destruction of civilization itself via sending these Dire Beasts to destroy any and all artificial buildings, as well as those who built them. An affront not just against our people, but against civilization itself, and all who strive for progress and unity in these troubling times.   Rejoice, people of Myzelis! For today, our mighty hoplite warriors stood strong against this dire threat, and pushed it back into the wilderness of Skafisle. But do not think this is the end, for this concern reaches far greater than just Skafisle! If this threat can reach our land, what is to stop it from seeping into other realms? You may look on and think that the problem is not yours as of now, and you may even be right... for now. But what of tomorrow? What shall you do when the mighty monsters of The Dire Isle, the smallest of which could lay waste to an entire town, come seeping into your realm? Attacking your home towns? Laying waste to everything your people have built? Will you stand confident in your ability to tackle these beasts alone? Or will you stand wondering if such a tragedy could have been prevented if only you decided not to look the other way when Skafisle stood alone fighting off this Dire threat? We can hold off this threat for now, but much greater will the reward be for all of us if we stand united against this common foe. To any realms who are willing to put past differences aside and unite against this foe which threatens us all; send to us the might of your navy; lend us your finest warriors; and put your cleverest mages to work on sealing these creatures away. Let us, the people of Myzelis; stand together against this threat, before the situation truly becomes dire."

Souma 28th

  A Diplomatic Response from Urdin Velaf, Grand Chairman of The Research Enclave of Skafisle, is sent via magical means to Eustace Gnosta, Senior Councilwoman and Head of Operations of the Alpha League. Soon after, transcriptions of the response are echoed throughout various news guilds in Realms far and wide.    
  "I appreciate your response, Senior Councilwoman. The Enclave and its allies have had our hands full the past few weeks dealing with these Dire Beasts. We have recently discovered a new Island has been unveiled by The Brume, about 200 miles off the Coast of Skafisle. We have taken to calling this new island 'Tharna' and according to our divinationists, the cult known as Vrokíva's messengers have somehow set up their base of operations there and have been sending Dire Beasts to our land via the use of massive portals, made to send dozens of huge-sized monstrosities across the sea in a single day. As we speak the allied navies of the Enclave, the Imperium, and Vrittania are sailing to Tharna to disrupt their operations and halt the invasion. This is the first time Tharna has been revealed to us from The Brume, so we know not what to expect from the island, or if it is even inhabited. But we aim to liberate it from this cult for good.   As for this Grand Duke Gregori that you mentioned, we have tried reaching out to him since receiving your response but so far he has yet to respond to our Sendings. You have our condolences for your researchers who went missing; it is a shame when scholars get dragged into warfare, and we promise that if we discover any leads concerning their disappearance we will contact you immediately. Likewise, we would appreciate any updates on this matter you may discover, and hope to put this conflict of our nations behind us as soon as possible."   -Urdin Velaf, Grand Chairman of The Research Enclave of Skafisle

Souma 29th

  Another letter, this time from the Wrenjers themselves, has been leaked to various Realm press agencies:    
  Message for Grand Chairman Urdin Velaf It has come to my attention that a major noble of the Dire Isle, the Grand Duke Gregori XIV Triskelos, may be involved with the Messenger Cult. This would explain their resourcefulness. Word is scant, as my team here is pursuing a person of interest, but according to my field agent Warren de Forgess, the Grand Duke has sent most of his nobles east, executing his war with the Grand Duchy of Dasofylakis, but has sent his younger brother Stephan west to the port of Koine. Further, Gregori has had agents on the Escarpment, whence the Dire Beasts originate, for some time, at least since the opening of the Brume, if not before. My team may well be traveling to Tharna in pursuit, if Warren’s reports are to be believed.   Pwish Airgetlam, Noble Stave, Wrenjer Dire Isle Expidion leader

Souma 30th

  In response to Noble Stave Pwish Airgetla's letter, a speech made by the emperor was spread to various news sources by various Skafik bards.    
  "We thank you for bringing the actions of Grand Duke Gregori to our attention, Noble Stave. Our forces are holding the line here on Tharna, but we need someone to bring the man responsible for these attacks to justice. Your inititive in sending people to deal with the grand duke are commendable, and I assure you that if they are successful, not only will you not need to worry about hostilities on our behalf, but we would consider it a stepping stone towards a better future between The Dire Isle and Skafisle.   With the strength of our Vrittania, The Enclave, and The Imperium combined, we have driven back the forces of Vrokíva's Messengers on Tharna and halted the invasion. The damage done to our major cities was minimal, and the damage done to smaller settlements is in the process of being rebuilt. The remaining Dire Beasts are being hunted down and neutralized, and the portals used to bring Dire Beasts from The Dire Isle to Tharna are now under our control. With the help of a group of heroes known as The Den we discovered that the cult known as Vrokíva's Messengers were trying to build an 'Artificial Alpha', a massively powerful Dire Beast the size of a mountain which could topple cities on its own. Through a combination of experiments and sorcery they created such an abomination, but our mightiest champions were able to slay the monstrosity before it could be completed, securing our victory.   Tharna is still a wild and unexplored island, one which has just recently been unveiled by The Brume. We know not if the island itself is uninhabited, but our scouts have reported strange sightings of unidentified humanoids and monsters in its many thick forests. These are likely the scattered forces of Vrokíva's Messengers who have been cut off from their commanders. We are working on rounding these terrorists up and bringing them to justice, and are certain that the island is otherwise not home to any any notable species, sentient or otherwise.   Be swift, Noble Stave. We wish you and your team victory in this endeavor."   -Alexander Thebes III, Emperor of Magnus Imperium of Skafisle
    The following message is sent out via couriers to Wrenjer outposts throughout the Realms of Myzelis, but with particular haste towards the realms to the south and east of Gylidd. From these outposts, the locally based Wrenjers themselves spread the message in cities and towns and through communities that will hear them.    
  "Aethrin of Myzelis,   It is confirmed that the recent storms and other natural disasters that have ravaged many of the Realms we call home, killed hundreds of people and displaced thousands more, were the indirect result of the actions of an accelerationist faction known as "Vrokiva's Messengers," based out of the Dire Isle.   This group venerates the Brume and seeks to weaponize the creatures created by it - in particular the bestial titans of the Dire Isle - so that the civilizations we built upon the sacred ley lines are devastated and weakened enough to allow the Brume to subsume them. In pursuit of this goal, Grand Duke Gregori XIV Triskelos, the leader of the Messengers, transported Dire Beasts from the Dire Isle to Skafisle to unleash them on an unsuspecting populace, using the island of Tharna (southeast of Skafisle) as a staging ground.   Grand Duke Gregori is wanted for charges of murder, terrorism, and mayhem in Skafisle, and as of this moment they are also wanted by the Wrenjers for crimes against the sacred Balance. The actions they took could have led to the Bruming of not only Skafisle, but the other Realms as well due to the unfocused and unmitigated wrath of Vrokiva.   A team of Wrenjers were dispatched to Tharna to apprehend the Grand Duke, but Gregori escaped and his whereabouts are currently unknown. Attached to this letter is a list of all of the information currently known about the Grand Duke. We ask that other Realms watch for signs of his presence, especially in areas close to the Brume, and send word to the local Wrenjers if you believe you have seen him nearby. We also ask that you do not engage him yourself - he is a highly capable and deadly opponent with nothing to lose.   With all hope, the foiling of the Grand Duke's plot will signal an end to these deadly echoes rippling through the Brume to stir up deadly catastrophes.   Hedwydd hlad cydwyssen (from balance, peace), my fellow Aethrin."   First Spear Kobeck Huaru, son of Delsagha
Wrenjer Arwenir of the Wild Synga of Gylidd
  • Grand Duke Gregori XIV Triskelos is a leader of the Vrokiva's Messenger cult
  • Gregori is a masculine-presenting Vedalken, 5' 9" tall, weighing roughly 180 lbs, with heterochromatic eyes (blue/green) and a right pupil which is permanently dilated
  • Gregori is responsible for transporting and releasing Dire Beasts into Skafisle, and possibly other realms
  • Gregori is wanted by the Magnus Imperium and the Research Enclave of Skafisle, and the Eutafean Hegemony of the Dire Isle
  • Gregori escaped from a Wrenjer team on Tharna, an island 300 miles southeast of Skafisle
  • Gregori is a druid, and is capable of shapechanging. Last seen in the form of a wyvern, which is an impossible shift for most druids
  • Gregori is to be considered armed and dangerous