
((This species is known as the Simic Hybrid in the rulebooks, but is known as Hybrids or the Adapted in Myzelis.))   Hybrids/the Adapted are humanoids who share traits with beasts through magical transmutation. They share a great deal in common with their kin, but have mutated to enjoy certain advantages that make them uniquely suited to their environment such as gills and claws.    
"The following communities are known to the people of Myzelis and recorded in the Journals of Eblin. Realms not listed here have no known populations of these Aethrin large enough to list as communities in their own right."  
Inyddaska Anír, Master of Mentors
Ancestries by Realm

Eslaiqi Adapted

  One of the Welcomed: Eslaiqeza has a large population of those who have come in from otherlands to find a new home within its borders. Coming from all over Myzelis, anyone can find a niche for themselves within the large stretches of land, the huge cities, and deep forests of Eslaiqeza.  

Gylidder Adapted

  The Adapted: The same Inaethric pantheon that created the Vedalken also wrought the Adapted from the shapeshifting Aethrin, morphing them into creatures of instinct and bestial prowess while their cousins became detached, inquisitive, and analytical. Those same Inaethri, who have long since perished and left behind their legacies, provided the Adapted with a vestige of self-determination usually commandeered by their subconscious (and on occasion, by the conscious strength of the willful among them) to continue their mutation further after birth. While physical pursuits come easily to them, they are by no means simple, and in many cases their mutable forms provide them with an incredibly unique perspective. They are rare to find in numbers large enough to consider a community, although they have been seen gathered along the docks of major cities putting their physical prowess and unique talents to use while also keeping themselves aware of interesting news. The closest that the Adapted come to a singular culture is within the Longshore Guild of Gylidd Syn Aethri, where the retired Gylidder Guard captain - and ancients paladin - Hivvoc Van Mekh represents his peoples' interest in union dealings while advertising to represent fellow Adapted from all across Myzelis.