Jothvidarl in Myzelis | World Anvil


Jothvidarl (JOTH-ved-aril) is a unique ‘cubus (as in, both and neither incubus and/nor succubus) fiend unaligned with any one faction in the lower planes. They serve at their own whim, sometimes fulfilling requests of temporary masters as it pleases them, and often betraying their former masters by demanding further payment for services rendered. So long as a task keeps their interest, they pursue it, although incurring their wrath is often enough to ensure that they will pursue the offender well beyond any reasonable limit of time or effort. They have great affinity for corruption, capture, temptation, and imprisonment, and enjoy creating and perverting the spirit of contracts they force mortals to sign (or obtain from other fiends). Their talent for lies, ruthless cunning, and wicked ambition are highly attractive to many mortal followers, who keep their allegiance as secret as Jothvidarl will let them, for now.