Kenku Species in Myzelis | World Anvil


Although they have evolved from avians, kenku have no wings nor capacity for flight. Instead, they have arms in place of wings and bird-like talons for hands and feet. They retain bird-like features, with black and beady eyes and a long dark-hued beak. Head and torso are covered with soft feathers, a dark russet-brown color, while their scrawny limbs are bare and scaled like a bird's. They most resemble ravens. Kenku tend to be slightly smaller than the average human, standing at around 5 feet. Because they have partially hollow bones, they are lighter than most creatures their height, averaging only 75 pounds.  
"The following communities are known to the people of Myzelis and recorded in the Journals of Eblin. Realms not listed here have no known populations of these Aethrin large enough to list as communities in their own right."  
Inyddaska Anír, Master of Mentors
Ancestries by Realm

Eslaiqi Kenku

  One of the Welcomed: Eslaiqeza has a large population of those who have come in from otherlands to find a new home within its borders. Coming from all over Myzelis, anyone can find a niche for themselves within the large stretches of land, the huge cities, and deep forests of Eslaiqeza.  

Gylidder Kenku

  Noises and Voices: Kenku on the island are represented in two major communities - the Ashfeathers and the Broadbeaks. The Ashfeathers live among the central districts of Gylidd Syn Aethri City, where the incredibly dense population provides them the greatest variety of linguistic samples; and the Broadbeaks reside in the depths of the Effluvian Jungle, where the incredible biodiversity of nature provides an equivalent variety of natural sounds. The two groups are related by common ancestors, and their flightlessness is a symptom of their bloodlines mingling with other humanoids rather than a curse. Travel between the two groups is highly encouraged by both communities, to provide future generations even greater opportunities and knowledge. The leaders of the two groups are the arcanist (Unheard-Loving-Sigh), matriarch of the Ashfeathers, and the druid (Wind-that-Brings-Sweet-Dew), matriarch of the Broadbeaks.