It is well into the first year of the Age of Emergence, and Myzelis is already ill at ease. Some of the lost pieces of our world have emerged from the Brume to join the known Realms - Zahira, Tharna, and Terota - while others have been consumed - Belgravia, Khoalsra, and Kolkaris - leaving many aethrin concerned about what the future might bring.

Not just concerned… Frightened. Terrified.

Many share the fear that their Realm will be next; that an apocalypse of their own design might strike the ire of Vrokíva. All the while, agents of law, chaos, good, evil, and other unknowable minds upend centuries and millennia of established canon to stir anxiety across the globe. Some are adventurers, wishing to introduce commendable stability and establish lasting peace.

But some are malicious entities, seeking revenge against their enemies, and destruction for the cultures that harbor them. These creatures are knowledgeable in the nature of Myzelis’ consensual reality and the binding, emotional magic of its ley lines. They have watched the torment of Kolkaris’ apocalypse, plotting how best to wreak similar havoc throughout the other Realms…

...and soon, they will have their revenge.

Nightmares of the Ley was an event marked by a period of global fear, with an entity from another world — named Xultras — responsible for an apocalypse in the Realm of Kolkaris being weaponized by The Shrike of Hsira upon the rest of Myzelis.  This event impacted the entire world, with some Realms taking the direct brunt while others felt the collateral waves — but none were entirely untouched or unscathed.  The Shrike's campaign of terror orchestrated and ultimately culminated in his Inaethrid, usurping the mantle of profane undeath and corrupt necromancy from the Gylidder Inaethri that was known only as the Master.   Those involved in the defense of Myzelis during the Nightmares experienced a phenomena akin to shared visions, bearing witness to moments in other Realms as if they were there, even while they were in the midst of their own struggles in their own Realms, with baneful or beneficial consequences associated with each event that resonated through the Leylines impacting all those involved.   The account of these events throughout Myzelis are below, recorded and recounted in various mediums across different Realms.   The discovery of the Dream in the Ley occurred in the wake of the Nightmares, although what the exact nature of the relationship there is between the two has yet to be determined.
  IRL Date
April 23-24 2022   In Game Date
Falka 11 0 AE / 3518 AI (in Gylidd)



Senka 2nd 0 AE (3518 AI) Gylidder Calendar

  Across the whole of Myzelis, a message is played on radio, repeated in all known common languages, written in newspapers, and spread by word of mouth:
Attention citizens of Myzelis. This is an important announcement for all peoples. In light of recent events regarding the disappearance of Belgravia, the war between Kaedo and Verbera, and the taking of our own city of Stonesand, the borders of Kolkaris are hereby closed to all peoples entering and exiting Kolkaris. In addition, any citizen of Kolkaris that wishes to re-enter Kolkaris shall be allowed to return, however they will not be allowed to exit upon their arrival. Kolkaris will temporarily shut down all trade routes with all existing peoples outside of Kolkaris. This lockdown will remain in effect until further notice. Thank you.   The Magister’s Court of Kolkaris and Opal’s Heart Engines The 2nd of Senka

Senka 16th 0 AE (3518 AI) Gylidder Calendar

  On the 16th of Senka, 3518, a public address from Scarcel Brizaen, Magistrate of Kolkaris and CEO of Opal's Heart Engines. The address is broadcasted on all public news frequencies in Kolkaris, and international media (radio, newspaper, word of mouth and other magical and non magical means):
Peoples of Myzelis,   I regret to inform you the now former Magistrate of Kolkaris and CEO of Opal's Heart Engines, Urriex Sezgard, was killed in a recent attack on our capitol city by a creature of Vrokiva. I, Scarcel Unavaush Brizaen, have been appointed Magistrate of the Council of Kolkaris, and CEO of Opal's Heart Engines, as dictated in the will of Sezgard. He will be missed, and while his time as a leader of Kolkaris was short, he won't be forgotten. Kolkaris will sustain the closed borders for the time being, although we hope to maintain healthy relationships with our friends abroad, and we appreciate your patience and support in these dangerous times.   Kolkaris will make a strong return from this unfortunate and devastating event. I am happy to say there were minimal casualties as a result of an early warning. We will rebuild. And we will rebuild stronger than before. Kolkaris will not be defeated so easily.   I toast to you all, and as the new leadership of Kolkaris, I vow to build a stronger society. One where we may prosper, and live together in peace.

Senka 18th 0 AE (3518 AI) Gylidder Calendar

  The following is visible to all neighboring countries to Kolkaris:   On the 18th of Senka, about mid-day, a dark storm cloud appears over the capitol city, Opalspire. Green lightning arcs through the cloud, and dragon-like roars can be heard from the distance as it continues to spiral out from the central city. Over the next two days, a dark shadow grows across Kolkaris. The cloud grows rapidly, encompassing more of the country with each passing minute. The center of the storm can be seen spiraling down like a tornado toward Opalspire. The wild life in and surrounding Kolkaris disappears in the shadow, and all sounds dissipate from within the country's border.   By the 20th of Senka, all of Kolkaris is consumed by the cloud. The Brume meets the cloud and holds it just within the borders, neither able to push any farther. Just before sunset on that day, the lightning rushes toward the central tornado as it makes contact with the surface. The lightning impacts, causing tremors deep in the earth. The capitol shatters and breaks into thousands of pieces. Ilexford and Midstorm are hit simultaneously, destroying each in the process. Slowly, the remains of the cities begin to float, rising higher and higher before halting, suspended anywhere from 10 feet to 10 miles above the ground.   After, the lightning stops, and so do the roars. But the cloud remains, lingering overhead the destruction of Kolkaris.   A voice echoes through the region. It echoes infinitely before settling, the voice enters the minds of the people. "Welcome. Welcome to my creation. Welcome, to the New Age. Welcome to Ashiarant."    

Asha 21st 0 AE (3518 AI) Gylidder Calendar


Rhuddinwyd Bark

Gylidd Syn Aethri's oldest newsletter
▬ Melyday, Asha 21st, 3518 AI ▬


Opalspire, Ilexford, Midstorm completely destroyed
Kolkaris' self-imposed exile results in countless dead

SOUTH BINDING SEA — A vortex of green lightning and draconic thunder made landfall upon the entire Realm of Kolkaris, resulting in near complete destruction of at least three of Gylidd's southern neighbor's largest cities, according to witnesses from the sea south of Gylidd.   The event is believed to have occurred just before sunset on the 20th of Senka, although refugees barely escaping the Realm's apocalyptic event appear to have lost at least a month of time in the transit between - a well-known property of Leyline passage. Survivors say that the storm seemed to fight with the Brume at the Realm's borders, which Wrenjer experts do believe is a sign that this horrific event was not the work of Vrokíva. The storm has since abated, although pieces of the cities have been seen floating anywhere from ten feet to ten miles above the ground. Evacuees also claim that a telepathic voice spoke in the wake of the storm, saying "Welcome to my creation... the new age... to Ashiarant."   At the time of the cities' destruction, Kolkaris' borders were still closed to travel, imports, exports, immigration, and even any hint of diplomacy with the Gyliddring. The last report to come out of the region was a proclamation hand-delivered to Gylidd from Magistrate Brizaen, who was to replace Magistrate Sezgard after the latter was apparently killed by a "creature of Vrokíva," according to Brizaen's statement.   It is not currently known what actually occurred in Kolkaris. Kolkarian expatriates and visitors in Gylidd are encouraged by the Arwenir to visit the Gylidder Embassy at Castle Inaethriddr for succor and aid.

Falka 9th 0 AE (3518 AI) Gylidder Calendar
Inviera 29th 2481 Imperial Solar Calendar

  On the morning of the 29th of Inviera radios across the Aredián Sea, Puerto Esperanza and Karieba alert their listeners to the news and this paper is distributed in the afternoon across the Republic and Puerto Esperanza:  
BREAKING NEWS: Puerto Esperanza attacked by powerful supernatural entity allegedly from Gylidd! Mayor Dias rumored to not be dead! IKF and Republic governments to speak about joint security agreements for supernatural threats!

Carta della Repubblica

Puerto Esperanza, Pujunto — Quindía, Inviera 29, 2418

Terrorist Attack

Puerto Esperanza Attacked

  On the afternoon of Cuadía, 28th of Inviera, the Vadoio, Prezia, and Koloxal Surface Train Stations which run down North Main Street, West Main Street, and South Main Street respectively were all attacked by a Supernatural Terrorist known as the Shrike. Their attacks making a death toll of 76 commuters who were waiting for their trains. The city is now on its highest alert since it was liberated by the Fifth Alianza coalition of the Aredián Republic and the Imperial Karieban Federation from the Regency of Terra. Lieutenant Commander Purea Teala of the Republic Navy, a significant leader within the J.O.C. for Puerto Esperanza, spoke that day on the cities Public Radio Broadcaster after the attack to address the cities concerns. “We are working closely with both local experts and international experts on this new issue. In particular the Office of Arcana, the Royal Arcane Service and the Gylidd Curio are working together to take the next necessary steps in order to circumvent the activities of this entity who appears bound to the goal of spreading fear and terror across Myzelis.” She continued
for a while going over details such as new wards for public areas, that New Year celebrations will continue but with tighter security, and a small speech at the end of the broadcast. “The Shrike’s attack on this city was a mistake they will regret and will only impede whatever agenda they may hold. This city has looked at the face of tyranny and fear before and fought it head on. If terror and fear is the Shrikes objective, they couldn’t have picked a worse target.” Teala would be proven right in her assumption of the stalwartness of the city. Although only a day has passed since the attack, citizens of the city have already begun expressing their disdain for the Shrike. A show of unity in opinion that hasn’t been seen in this city since pre-war days. Rumors are also circulating that the 3-T and the Aldeana gangs have made tentative agreements to keep violence between each other down along with other gangs following similar behavior.

Unexpected Heroes

  On the attack of the Koloxal Surface Station the Shrike faced unexpected resistance from international tourists and a local fixer. In particular the head of the College of Arcana in Sydathria Archmagus Ahvain, an unknown
member of the Enigma Enclave from Rilumir, an unknown Forged, and a Minotaur of unknown origin named Yng along with a local Fixer known as Salavdor, saved Mayor Dias from minions of the Shrike. In particular Yng was able to save 32 lives that would have otherwise been lost. “It was a real tough fight, couldn't have done it without them.” Salvador said unprompted to one of our reporters looking to interview Ahvain. “Haven’t fought like that since the war [a] few years back. Wait, you seem familiar? You interviewed one of my mercenaries before?” Unfortunately after a lengthy exchange the rest of the group teleported before they could be interviewed.

International Activity

  The Shrike apparently struck the day before the Puerto Esperanza attack in Zahira, only about two weeks after Wrenjers clashed with the Shrike in the settlement of New Hsira earlier this month. The Director of the Office of Arcana gave a press conference this morning saying “This is an ever evolving situation, we are working closely with the Curio and friendly agencies…” The Kaunihera is expected to speak about the incident in session next week about funding and directing efforts against supernatural threats, and the potential of joint security treaties with other organizations across Myzelis.




  Thanks to the Brume’s mysterious powers, the same night does not always fall after the same day in every Realm. Time twists, the world turns away from the Mhelydraud - the unique triple sun - and a lovely Summer evening in Gylidd may be still etched in the dews of a Dire Isle Spring. But it is still the same sunset.   On this particular evening, as the shadows grow long and the good and weary folk of Gylidd Syn Aethri retire to feast and rest, a mote of indigo builds in a patch of otherwise clear sky directly above the Rhuddinwyd. Like a spool of thread, it unravels far above the clouds, swirling and unfolding into a rapidly cooling night sky until it begins to blot out the stars. It churns noiselessly, folding in on itself and blossoming anew like a flower at twice the size each time it does, and soundless lightning races from within the center out toward the edges.   Reflecting sunlight and the haze of the atmosphere draw ever more eyes skyward, as the purple storm expands ever larger. Some are awed into silence at the sight of something they’d never seen before, while others are galvanized into action to anticipate or divine its meaning. But no one is without at least some fear or trepidation of the unknown.   Soon it is over ten miles across - the size of Gylidd Syn Aethri city - and it expands exponentially after that to cover the skies above all of Gylidd Island. Only once it reaches the absolute limit of the Realm - the Binding Sea that circles it - does it begin to twist at the ends into tendrils that seek the invisible paths of the leylines towards the other Realms.   Growing ever larger, the purple storm in Myzelis’ upper atmosphere traces its way towards the nearest Realms first. It winds its way into the skies over Ulloren, Zahira, Eslaiqeza, and Kaedo, replacing star and moonlight with a violet glow that flashes brighter each time a silent bolt or orb of lightning races through it in streaks over one hundred miles long. It brings no rain, no wind, only anxious pause as the common and learned alike are stymied by its origin and purpose. Its tendrils eventually find even the furthest Realms; Vesnica, Tlalli, Terota, the Dire Isle, and the skies of Rilumir.   It does not spread across these other Realms the way it had covered Gylidd’s skies. Instead, it lingers over only parts of each Realm. These territories are not small by any means, but the fact that the purple clouds seem to have preference - or perhaps targets - seems significant. The night sky still visible overhead does little to assuage the fear building in the hearts of even those who are far away from the violet tainted lands of their neighbors.   And for those living beneath the superatmospheric clouds as they settle… dread sets in. Not all at once, but in waves, reinforced by the worries spoken or shared by others around them. Subtly, the tethers of unity and peace fostered by the Leylines start to unravel, weakening the bonds between Aethrin until relationships are but tinder in a hearth, perpetually in fear of the flame…    


  The skies above Kaedo grow dark as a storm from the north blows in. Billowing dark purple clouds crackling with otherworldly energy cover the realm in dark shadows. As the realm is enveloped in darkness, an eldritch bestial screech cuts through the air. It echoes across the island and over the surrounding oceans, shattering glass and injuring those unprepared to cover their ears.   And then suddenly the screeching stops, as it is replaced with a more concerning noise. The sound of shattering glass so loud it shakes the realm. People look up to the sky to see it shattering like glass, revealing a white void beneath. The shards of Kaedian sky plummet into the surrounding oceans creating massive pillars of water that can be seen for miles. Black streaks shoot across the vacant sky like ink being violently thrown at a blank canvas. A meteor shower serves as the backdrop of Kaedo’s destruction.   The crashing stops and is quickly replaced by the static of thousands of Kaedian radios. Breaking through the white noise is a panicked voice of an older man barely able to keep his breath.   “People of Kaedo, the end of days is upon us! The powers in Kigan, Guo, Koujin have abandoned us to hide in their towers! They’ve left the people of Kaedo in the dark about the forces of Xultras that corrupt our realm! This exact same thing that’s gotten a hold of our realm is what brought down Kolkaris! OH WAIT THEY’VE CENSORED THE MEDIA SO ANYONE OUTSIDE OF THE BUSINESS CLASS HASN’T EVEN HEARD OF IT! THEY’VE KNOWN ABOUT FOR WEEKS AND HAVE KEPT US IN THE DARK SO THEY CAN RUN!   THE REALM IS GOING TO BE TORN APART! LOOK AT THE SKY, DOOM IS HERE. ABANDON YOUR LEADERS! ABANDON YOUR JOBS! RUN! LIVE! LI-”   The frantic broadcast ends, and quickly chaos ensues. People huddled around their radios begin to panic. As fear takes their hearts, as all hope fades as the literal sky has fallen, people begin to change. As they scramble around the streets running to the nearest source of transportation, a dark cloud emerges from those that have let the fear of Xultras consume them. They twist and break into something altogether wretched. Emerging from the mists are corrupted monsters that begin to tear into those around them, spreading the fear further.   As the streets of Kaedo run red with the blood of citizens slain by their own families and friends, the leader of Koujin Oda Deva looks over the carnage from atop his skyscraper. Horrified by what he sees, Oda looks to the sky wondering what he can do to save his realm from this calamity.    


  In Rilumir, the coastal city of Rodezon buzzes with activity, people flock to the streets in celebration. The royal castle of the Acharoi gleams on the cliffs overlooking the ocean, packed with nobles and dignitaries of many realms. Amidst the festivities the Acharoi moves to make a speech to all gathered, but as he looks upon the crowds, a shadowy haze billows up from the sea.   The waters churn as a hulking, bird-like construct explodes out of the depths, with a wingspan nearly two hundred feet long. It is made of old, rotten wood planks, salt-sprayed canvas sails, blood-soaked ropes, and its ribcage and belly are filled to bursting with bloated corpses. Every facet of the wood and metal monstrosity bears resemblance to a sailing vessel, and judging by the breadth of its hull-like chest, the ship from which it was made must have been at least three masted. The Falcon's Fury - the vessel of the infamous necromancer, the Shrike of Hsira - had come.   Long black banners flutter like pinions in the turbulent wind as it ascends, racing towards the castle to drench the stones in filth and seawater. It explodes through an entire wall of the building, shattering glass and splintering wood, sending stones flying into the crowd as its rudder-like talons tear and take purchase at the opening. At the heart of the construct's chest, a skeletal aarakocra swathed in tattered, voluminous black robes clutches at the wood with a hand and a foot claw, using the other to summon necromantic energy tethered to five mangled bodies within the Fury's rattled cage.   In an instant, they drag themselves free of the animate wreckage and race to surround the Acharoi, whose face has twisted into an eager grin as he grabs hold of his own High Priest, dark mist coiling around his fingertips as the crowd begins to scream. The Shrike of Hsira leers from his perch, “Let the great sacrifice begin,” before launching back the way he came, his construct's violent exit causing even more damage to rain down on those assembled.   Tremors shake the castle in the Shrike’s wake as massive tendrils curl around the windows from the blackened waters below, tugging at the architecture and digging into the cliffside. Masonry cracks and bursts apart under the assault, sending the ballroom full of dignitaries tumbling into the pitch-dark sea as the form of a primordial kraken opens its maw. In the streets of Rodezon, the voice of the Acharoi can be heard calling out to the masses in a frenzy as the kraken looms over the port. Moments later, the cries for help from the submerging castle gallery fall eerily quiet, and across the entire coastline an aeon’s worth of corpses claimed by the ocean wash up like flotsam, and begin to move.   Far out past the screams and wanton sounds of violence, echoing across the city comes a booming, shrill voice. "I am the Shrike of Hsira, a Curse upon all the Realms. I have brought the Doom of Kolkaris to Rilumir, to prove to you that fear is stronger than hope. Embrace it... and fear me."    


  With the sorceress' plans foiled, a group of heroes stand in the dark, now dormant caves of Ar-Zahirazîn. While the once warped and mind-bending caves return to normal, a sense of urgency fills them as they realize this is far from over. With their work not done quite yet, the quick spreading news of their victory and what has happened here arms the Eslaiqi people.   Soldiers of the Flessen Hills arm themselves with new found determination to fend off the horrors beyond their understanding. Diplomats in the capital send out impassioned calls for aid to those within and without the Eslaiqi lands. The people band ever closer together, not letting a spot of inclimate indigo shake their resolve. As for those beyond its borders, they see a community held together and arming themselves with the knowledge that these threats can be stopped and that hope is not lost.    


  As quickly as the violet storm had gathered in the upper atmosphere of Myzelis, churning out from the skies of Gylidd and racing along the leylines to smother the Realms, it began to dissipate. The clearly magical storm had been conjured far too high for its shape to be naturally maintained. Starting far above the Rhuddinwyd - the forest at the heart of Myzelis - it breaks apart and loses density until there is nothing left but the rumbling echo of lightning.   While the skies above return to peace, the lands below are not so lucky. The storm clouds peel apart like the curtains on a second act, revealing a world on metaphorical, philosophical, magical, and in some cases literal fire. The storm filled the world with the fuel of apprehension and the tinder of fear, and like grenades small sparks were lit in many Realms that burst into roaring conflagration. Hundreds, if not thousands of lives - not all of whom were innocent - were lost in the first few hours as terrifying beasts and depraved monsters revealed themselves.   Agents of Xultras, the Doom of Kolkaris.   Agents of the Shrike of Hsira, the Dread Necromancer.   Not all willing, not all witting, but all consumed by the chance to take power for themselves. To weaponize their own fears with supernatural strength, and victimize others to encourage them to do the same. An endless chain of anxious pressure boiling over as Myzelis realizes the storm did not leave - it entered the people, and they became the storm.   Now as the Realms are rocked off-balance, infiltrated by the same powers that destroyed Kolkaris, the people of the world cling to the last vestiges of hope that strength still exists to repel this long night of the soul. For if unity proves too weak to bind their cultures to the leylines, then in the face of Vrokíva’s malevolence, the people will turn willingly to fear.   And in that fear, be bound.    


  A ripping noise fills the air across Ulloren, like parchment being torn from the spine of its book. The floating castle Vimgolai, which is fueled by the Leylines, has absorbed too much of the fear energy coursing through them. The party of desperate heroes moments before total destruction of the castle and the city below have found a way to avert the catastrophe, with unforeseen and terrible consequences. Looking to the sky over Ulloren, a fissure of effervescent liquid obsidian opens. The space beyond looks to be filled with the worst fears of every mortal on the prime material, writhing and embroiled in constant pain. The people of Ulloren are reminded of the fear that gripped them so tightly during the Age of Isolation, the terror of returning to that age of chaos with no end in sight. The country that was once embroiled in constant war and famine knows what this portents — death. A drop of that primeval chaos falls towards Ulloren, a drop of ink off a freshly dipped quill that will stain all it touches.   Animals panic, children become inconsolable, food spoils, and Ulloren holds its breath in apprehension, then... nothing. Then, an ear splitting roar rings out carrying with it a fetid taste on the tongue, a cold sweat on the palms, a wobble in the knees and a searing pain as the image of a creature that takes on the image of each aethrin’s most primal fear is burned into the backs of the eyes; a nightmare thrust upon the minds of those who still hold tightly to the shreds of sanity and serenity. Whenever you close your eyes the image is there, and there it shall stay.   The echoes travel across the world, that spark of terror that inspired the first aethrin lighting a fire to combat the dark. Whatever caused this knows the taste of ancient fears. Now it’s for others to learn.    


  For those that can see the floating island-tower of The Storm Eternal, its focus becomes clear; not only sowing Fey chaos, but destruction, pain, fear. Hundreds lay dead while hundreds of others are overtaken by dark myconid growths, an undeath becoming them. With these undead swarming the shattered remains of the temples to the dragon "gods," heroes in Eastlee, Vesnica had to make a choice…   Their protection of the temple of the land left the temple of the sea less fortified, and in its weakness, calamity. Rarely known magical glyphs the temple held safe shatter in explosions as The Storm Eternal oversees, slaying what the Witch at the top of the tower can see for well over a thousand feet around. As the glyphs break, the sea of the Windward Sound itself begins to buckle inward. Trillions of gallons of water fall into a roiling storm seeming to grow from the sea floor; a tear in the fabric of the Planes – all Planes attached to the Material – becomes unbandaged. Parts of the Storm Wall begin to buckle under the pressure of the rest of Myzelis' oceans…   That fracture of the leyline quakes through the oceans, a pearlescent sheen washing up the sea floor from the south. The water currents of Myzelis begin to pull a little southward while little tendrils of chaotic energy flow north.    


  Through the dense cloud cover of Xultras' Kolkarian oppression, a light can be seen. Piercing through the veil of silence, the sound a crackling wood and electricity. The top of the clouds begin to bend and warp, attempting to keep what is below within. Draconic screams begin to echo, as something pushes against the Spawn of Xultras.   Then, a shape begins to emerge from the cloudtop canopy. Branches of a tree, beautiful and evergreen. The tips of them begin to blossom and bloom in flowers and fruit of all kinds. The smells of a fresh harvest begins to drip from the tallest branches to the roots of the tree. Quickly, the branches pierce and suffuse the dark clouds above.   A voice is heard from within the branches and blooms. The voice, soft and warm, fills all who hear it with a divine energy.   "I am Eloria, Kodama of the Shifting Sands, and life of Kolkaris. Be afraid no longer of this trespasser. Kolkaris is our home. Fight. Fight for each other. Fight for yourselves. Fight for your home!"   A burst of energy radiates from the tree, and long dead plants begin to bloom. The hum of insects and wildlife are heard in the distance. Dried husks of flora and fauna are revitalized. Waterfalls are resumed and rivers refreshed. The roll of the ocean hums along the coast.   "Nothing will snuff out our light. No creature. No fear. Be not afraid! This is our home. Now, fight for it."    


  A figure, cloaked in Shadow, appears at the edge of the great Tepoztoca, a bastion of radiance against a ghoulish army encamped on the other side. The Shrike of Hsira stands, raising their hands to the sky, gathering wisps of weave and power, drawing from the very ground they stand on, before plunging it into the clear waters. For a moment, the Shrike is buffeted, the holy water sizzling against this new force. This lasts only but a moment, as the once clear water quickly becomes an inky black.   The ghouls at their master’s heel carefully touch the water, expecting the pain they have always felt, but finding instead power. An order is called from a Leonin holding a wicked glaive. Her voice booms across the town, reaching past all the gates that were closed to her. “GO FORTH AND DOUSE ANY WHISPER OF RESISTANCE!!” As the howl of victory echoes among the undead, the masses swarm across the false river. What once was holy has become desecrated. What was once a gleaming line of defense has become a death trap.    


  Silence and darkness begins to consume the ruins of Illexford in Northern Kolkaris. The crumbling stone and concrete of the city’s dilapidated buildings begin to fall unseen and unheard as an Avatar of Xultras, the body of a giant shrouded in shadow that steps silently wielding a greatsword befit for its huge size, is seen marching towards the city's port. A group made up of a loose assortment of Wrenjers, Mercenaries and everything in between, hold the secrets to potentially reseal Xultras in their prison and over 100 Kolkarians depend on them for their survival. They are also the only ones who stand in the way of the daunting supernatural power towards its goal. To Silence all those who have acted against Xultras. As the Avatar of Xultras strides into the city limits towards the group who dared take the fight to them, its power can be felt even at great distance...   ... but the group stands resolute in the face of terror, they find unity and purpose against that which seeks to destroy and facilitate those who will spread fear and terror across Myzelis. The speech of the first President of the Aredián Republic, Punua Proto, that was broadcasted on the radio waves of the country 256 years ago when the Republic started it’s fight against the Juntas that terrorized their seas and their islands, echoes now in the minds of those who fight against Xultras and the Shrike: “What use is negotiation when the other party is deaf to our words? What use are treaties when they are broken? What use are protocols when we can only turn a blind eye to their violations? What use is every diplomatic solution possible when it is a force of the most cruel sort?! Where is there left to go? Unfortunately, the answer is a simple and inevitable one. To war.”    


  The Shrike of Hsira, having visited many Realms and expended much of itself to not just leave behind the seeds of Xultras - but plant them in fertile soil - was beginning to wane. Despite its deathless animation, the ancient necromancer looked haggard and diminished as it apparated from the shadows at the edge of the torchlight. The colossal Tower of Hopewatch, surrounded by over eight hundred sanctified graves of the Wrenjers who had given their lives for a chance to banish the Shrike many months ago, loomed over the tiny aarakocran monster as if it meant to collapse upon him and permanently bury him in the soil.   “I was born by magic into flesh and blood.” He hissed, his voice amplified by arcana to echo throughout the clearing and into the ears of the Wrenjers and others assembled before him. “I was a spirit first, bound to my master as familiar and servant. An eternity of blissful ignorance to the world and its machinations. Destroyed so easily, restored just as easily, and wont for nothing.”   The Shrike’s clawed feet rang tinny and sharp on the cobblestone as it stepped forward in a slow gait.   “But then my conjurer gave me want. Ritually, he imbued me with intellect to further his designs, and ensouled me. But I was still bound.” The necromancer’s words took a cruel turn, the hissing gaining in strength. “Bound to seek him. Bound to obey. Bound by love.”   The Shrike pauses, lurking at the edge of the torchlight.   “With every day that goes by I see less and less of his face. Every moment the memory gets darker still, and now I see more of my own reflection. The familiar love fades, and in its place I see the world arrayed against us both, a world from which he is sequestered and I am left to haunt it. A world that would destroy this spirit once and for all, for all the things I have done for him - to liberate him. I am afraid of unbecoming.”   The sharp beak and dirty bones rattle in the umbral night, suspended in midair as the Shrike begins to levitate. From the shadows of its tattered robes, a small square urn is produced, looking for all its etches and gilding like a glorified birdcage.   “My fear is stronger now than my love. It liberates ME. It makes me more powerful. It motivates me to be more than just a servant, to be unbound from his fate and make one for myself. So here it is. The moment of my unmaking.”   The Shrike smashes the metal urn with a claw, shattering his own phylactery. A deep, guttural, primal screech ripples out through the air from the Shrike’s maw, causing the air itself to wave and distort with its volume. In the next moment, all across Myzelis, a resonance occurs as the coins of Xultras suddenly hum with secret magic fed upon their surfaces. They begin to glow, and the creatures possessing them, as well as all creatures within a mile of the coin, are suddenly hit with a wave of negative energy conjured by magic beyond the ninth circle.   Open wounds are bled anew, the sanguine broth issuing forth into the sky to turn to vapor in the air and zooming towards the Realm of Gylidd. Those who have not yet bled, or cannot bleed, are siphoned of energy all the same, as the Shrike turns fear and death into raw power. It ripples invisibly through the leylines, streaking to the center and funneling itself into the dread necromancer’s diminished form. The Shrike’s feathers fan out and bristle with violet energy, rippling through its form and feeding him until the endless scream is flush with life.   “Let us feed our fears together - and see what is MADE FROM OUR ASHES!”    


  The shattered form of the Shrike of Hsira - a mess of broken bones - crashes to the ground barely muffled by the tattered remnants of his robes. A deathly silence numbs the senses of those who had been locked in mortal combat with him, and though wounds are swiftly mended to ensure survival should it all be a ruse, the onlooking survivors measure the next minute by the sound of their hearts beating in their ears. His now-brittle bones still collapsing, the necromancer lies still.   Gradually muscles relax, joints release their white-knuckle hold, and spells are stilled on the motionless tongue. Relief and hope tease their way to the front of the mind. Eyes are permitted to blink.   But they would not, if they knew the importance of this moment. A moment that has not come to pass since the Age of Stone; unwitnessed since the Age of the Inaethri. All across Myzelis, fear had spread with a name, and onto that fear the name was etched. All the death, all the terror, all the destruction caused by the weaponization of Xultras had one engineer - the Shrike of Hsira.   Anger spread as well, of course, but it was anger born of fear, the fear that a threat cannot be ignored and must be stopped. Even now, the connections that had at one time carried naught but hope and unity from the Rhuddinwyd to the furthest reaches of the leylines was tainted by the resonance of the peoples’ terror. For as those who cultivate the Leylines into Realms combine their hopes and belief into gods, so too do they bind their darker emotions… into darker gods. Via the ascendant path of godhood - the Inaethrid.   The corpse lay still, but the soul had long since transcended it. The spirit that was once the Shrike of Hsira drank deep of the fear and supped upon the death it had sown, lurking and growing in the ethereal like a titanic weed. The form grew from the psychic link to not just Gylidd’s fear, but Myzelis’ fear. The terror of undeath and chaos… and evil.   Myzelis bore witness to the Inaethrid of the Shrike of Hsira.   The Shrike reached into and through the earth, grappling with a dark and evil cancer unseen and hidden away, and snatched divinity from it. Another inaethri, the Master, now rendered little more than a patron with a spiritual jerk of the Shrike’s ethereal beak. The Shrike was the Gylidder Inaethri of Chaotic Evil Death, now, and the Master was exposed for the outsider it truly was, a mere interloper demon prince, whose days in this world were already numbered.   Bristling with newfound depths of power, the Shrike prepared to will the world to change to suit its needs. It manifested visibly in the material plane, towering over Gylidd Syn Aethri and distorting the skies around it. But for all of the Shrike’s planning, he forgot the rule of natural law, and failed to account for its eternal enforcer.   The Brume in every Realm began to bristle and seethe at the audacity of an aethrin god in her World. Vrokíva would never again tolerate reckless, limitless power, and so she surged forth across the borders of Gylidd, her Brume headed into the sky but uncaring about the tiny villages she smothered in her wake, blotting them out forever.   The inaethric Shrike recoiled, withdrawing from the touch of the Brume, and chose like so many others before it to exile itself to the outer planes rather than be permanently destroyed. There it would remain, granting magic to those who saw wisdom in his madness. As for Vrokíva, once the threat had gone, its Brume retreated without apology.   In the coming days, the world would find balance again, adapting to the new emergence of leylines of fear alongside the leylines of peace. In many places, the threats of Xultras’ presence and the Shrike’s influence had been banished, but not all, and that would be a terror for another day. But with all hope, a stronger, more unified Myzelis would rise to defy them.    


  On the morning of the 5th of Sevira, radio stations all across the Realm of Terota buzz about the news abroad. The subject is typically about Kaedo, Eslaiqeza and Gylidd with occasional conversation of Tlalli and Rilumir coming from the radio hosts. Kaedo dominates the air time for most stations as recordings from interviews are available from the island and the the cry's of those who are wounded or those who have lost someone echo behind a reporters voice describing the scenes of destruction on the streets of Hoshi. On the 7th, the Newspaper Carta della Repubblica (CDR) in their weekly paper distributed on Primdia reminds readers of the fragility of the world.  

Carta della Repubblica

I-3, Kaiwaena Akau — Primdía, Sevira 7, 2419 — 4 pages

Global Attacks Orchestrated by Shrike

Kaunihera expected to allocate resources for “Global Threats”

By Reminu Berera
On the night of the 4th of Sevira, Ambassadors embedded within nations affected by indiscriminate violence and attacks by the Shrike and their heinous allies issued travel warnings and in some cases like in the island of Kaedo, evacuated personnel and civilians. This office began receiving such stories from our reporters of incidents occurring across the world occurring with varying degrees of destruction. In response to these events, the Kaunihera and the President began an emergency session the next day to discuss the possibility of quickening the process of drafting formal treaties with other nations, including security agreements to share any and all information on international security concerns and to offer resources when needed like Office of Naval Security personnel and for the other party to do the same.

“25% or more” of the population of Kaedo dead

By Kaiwi Lazo
In the midst of a bloody war initiated by Koujin’s Aki-Corp and the Kigan Theocracy against the Clans of Guo, where the justification of said war was proven false earlier in the year, the Shrike and their accomplice, a being known as Xultras, struck the island with a near fatal blow using a powerful spirit known as Watari, corrupted by their influences. “He’s a spirit of immense power,” an anonymous Koujin official remarked, “thankfully Oda Deva and the Board had options when it came to his capture. He won’t be causing trouble anytime soon.” At the same time Watari began his offensive, the entire island was thrown into chaos. The sky seemingly fell apart across the region, with glass shards the size of battleships falling onto the island and into the sea.
Simultaneously, the streets of major population centers in Koujin, Guo, and Hillian territory became the sites of bloody battles. In the cities of Hoshi and Nishisuto, CDR Reporters Sima Kettoso and Arvi Dantes, were working on a long term project on the analysis and breakdown of Kaedian Capitalism when they experienced the street battles first hand. “The best way to describe it was that was like a nightmare that came to life like in an old book.” Aegis Security Officer Nishitake said the day after the fights. He had experienced gruesome wounds and inherited a higher rank after his senior and four other colleagues died instantaneously to unidentified magic. The fighting was caused by people influenced by Xultras, who eventually transformed into violent spirits full of malice. Civilian security forces and impromptu militias were the bulk of those who defended against the onslaught of spirits and the casualty count is still unknown.
“I suspect we won’t know the true cost for some time, but calculations done by members of the Board have put it to at least 25% of Kaedo’s population,” the anonymous official would say, “Aki-Corp in particular have been putting in great effort to breakdown the numbers for Koujin and how it impacts labor needs. Some members of the Board are afraid of a huge drop in productivity, so knowing when to import labor from other realms will be a huge factor in Oda Deva’s bid for control.”   Kigan in contrast has not suffered as much as their neighbors, in particular there is no evidence of people transforming into violent spirits. The new leader of Kigan, Soothsayer Luden von Hall XV, who inherited his position from his father who died during the turmoil, has used the death and destruction of Kaedo as an opportunity to take a heel turn in foreign policy from his father, Soothsayer Vanderhall XIII, who joined Oda Deva in a war of aggression against the Guo. The new Soothsayer said in a press conference with Kaedian Press from across the island, “We are a part of the Kaedian community, and as a member of the community we must assist in the path of healing. Which is why I am going to dedicate a large portion of the Church's resources to the recovery of our neighbors. I still respect the alliance between our Church of Luxius and Aki-Corp but I will also encourage returning to peace. Especially in light of the evidence from the Khaganate.”
A formal ceasefire was negotiated a day after the calamity between Koujin’s Aki-Corp and the Church of Luxius, with the Guo on the border near Ryuichi and the Crimson Gate. Political analysts within the Republic's Embassy in Hoshi are pessimistic. “Oda Deva, has signaled his intentions for his foreign policy when he took over from his father.” said analyst Panja, “The only thing holding him back was the sudden and violent impact on the military and population. Once it’s no longer a problem, prepare for fireworks.”   The Guo remained reclusive, with no figures of importance willing to comment to our reporters. The entire region that is considered Guo territory has rivaled with Koujin and Kigan for multiple millenia and is still wary to foreigners. However, President Te’ra announced emergency support for repairing Guo infrastructure and sending Office of Arcana personnel to help clear out violent spirits that spawned from Xultras in response to the refusal of Kigan aid. “Ambassador Tejedor has been sent to communicate with the Crimson Sanctuary for Guo needs.” In a written correspondence by the Office of the President, “At this time negotiations are about what is needed and what is wanted from our country to their territory. What it may mean in the future is yet to be seen, talks are just beginning.” When the plight of the Guo was brought to the attention of the Kaunihera it was the topic of heavy debate. The President and the Primer both urged for a careful approach due to the lack of knowledge of the region.

Coastline of Rilumir Assaulted by Undead

By Luis Víbora
Coastal communities across Rilumir have been attacked, and remain besieged, by hostile undead emerging from the depths of large bodies of water. Smaller communities along busy trade routes and larger cities were hit the hardest, as the amount of dead beneath the tides were the most numerous there. Perligen, the effective capital of the Zamlisch Confederation and the most populated city in the Confederation, was hit by large waves of undead, as it sat in the entrance of the Abglanz Sea to the South and the Konoh Sea to the North. Perligen was also where the Republic's Embassy, the N.U.A. Keala Prata, was docked at the time and security staff assisted in the cities defense. “It was unexpected, but the PCG is ready for anything.” A member of the Perligen Civic Guard, Investigator Andreas Tilsen said in a quick interview after the fighting. “It certainly would have been worse if the Embassy was not here at the right place and the right time. They gave us enough time to assemble the militia to the walls and helped evacuate bystanders at the northern docks.” The Keala Prata is reportedly sailing down the coast of Rilumir to assist coastal communities. Cities within the Confederation are expected to call for a rare and historic meeting of Burgermeisters and members of Herrenrats across their territory to determine how to go forward with the new state of Rilumir.

Martelon Islands and Waterways in Rilumir “will get worse before it gets better.”

By Paia Dantes
As coastal settlements were under attack from undead, the Acharoi of the Martelon Empire, Philippe Valens, was celebrating his 10th year of rule. He also gathered envoy’s from nations across Myzelis to take part in the celebrations. In a double layered sheet of deception, Acharoi Philippe Valen lured the representatives of the world into the Royal Castle with the promise of witnessing the dissolution of the Church of Martelon which practiced aethrin sacrifice. However, the true intention was to lead the representatives of the world into a trap, where the Acharoi lured the powerful Incari Kraken known as the Melusine to destroy the Royal Castle and kill everyone within it. Only being prevented by the intervention of a group of travelers that were invited to the Castle along with the world's envoys.   The Acharoi, who was allegedly cleared of these influences after the fighting was over, then abdicated his throne. An event that analysts in the region say will have very dire consequences for the near and far future. “I have little reason to believe that the Regent will be able to keep this Empire together after such an event.” Silvina Duce, the chief political analyst of the Keala Prata wrote in an open letter to the President. “Western Rilumir will only get worse before it gets better… We should expect different sects to form from the crisis and general chaos within the Empire’s government. This will lead to
general instability, possible regime change, and an increase in piracy in the Chemin Straits. I advise that, if possible, for all shipping through the Chemin Straits and west Konoh Sea to have increased security and escorts, or for shipping to cease if that can’t be met.”   Martelon waterways that lead to Gylidd are the only known reliable way for Rilumic trade to reach international markets, and will likely lead to a decrease in the import of goods like spices and metals across Myzelis and the increase of their prices to pay for added security. Kaedo will likely be disproportionately impacted by the sudden lack of imports due to Kaedian nations having an import dependent industrial base that is needed to supply its consumerist economy. Aredián companies have signaled that this will not decrease their imports. The Director of the Republic's Agriculture Office (OAR), Xusto Novoa, held a conference with the Aredián CEO’s and CFO’s of food and agriculture companies in the country and spoke to the press. “The possibility of the Chemin Straits becoming even more dangerous was something we’ve been aware of for months now. We will adapt, and continue our mission to fill the country’s food stores so that famine will never be a fear again. We’re aware of the increased danger that sailing those waters poses. I have talked to the President about the possibility of hiring Blue Path Peacekeepers to be onboarded vessels to and from Rilumir.” However, the recent investment companies have thrown into expensive Vesnican cargo containers that can preserve food for an indefinite amount of time, likely influenced the decision to continue trade despite the dangers.

Kolkaris Miraculously Revived

By Teri’i Asti
The N.U.A Forward, one of the first scout ships sent through the Brume, was sailing en route to the Tongue when the crew witnessed a sudden break in the mist at the ruins of Illexford. Observers in the crew quickly spotted the scene of a battle where a group of people were fighting spawns of Xultras protecting survivors. Captain Melo who was in command of the ship made the decision to sail into the Port of Illexford and evacuate who they could. In total about 193 people from a village called Dom, including a Forged as tall as 15ft made for battle, were evacuated to safety the next day to the Tongue. The Captain says the credit does not go to him, however, but a brave team of people that held off a deadly assault by Xultras. Unfortunately reporters in the area were too late to find these heroes and found they had already gone.   On their way back, the Captain and a number of the crew spied the mist parting in areas distant from the ruins of Illexford and saw that as a sign to make flank speed. As it turned out, it was the first sign that Kolkaris had been revived. Officials across Myzelis who kept close relations with the Opal Hearts Engine Corporation in Kolkaris began to receive sendings from company personnel that was at first answered back with disbelief and suspicion in the context of the turmoil that was engulfing the planet. Dock masters were understandably shocked when ships from Kolkaris docked in ports in Ryuichi, Koujin and
The Tongue, Eslaiqeza with the crews acting as if it was business as usual.  

Gylidd Curio asks those Responsible for Xultras Release to Come Forward

By Teri’i Asti
No Kolkarians who were revived from death from the realms apocalypse have any recollection of what happened, including the members of the ruling Corporation of Opal Hearts Engine. Members of the Gylidd Curio and Wrenjers, who were supplied with concerning information from the survivors aboard the Forward were quick to reestablish contact with leaders in Kolkaris to figure out what was going on. As it turned out, the Curio discovered a multitude of conspiracies stemming from a powerful undead mage named Scarcel that included plots to take control of Kolkaris and methods of containing Xultras if they were to ever break their containment. The Curio has also released the names of who they think have been responsible for Xultras being able to do what they have done and have asked for them to be summoned to the Gyliddring as soon as possible to explain themselves and have encouraged Opal Hearts Engine to also take part in the hearings. The people in question are named Seula “Zeka” Yseult, Lumazur “Lumi” Nightsong, Dictyoptera “Tera”, Seeker, Tempest, Poc, and Isla Wynterskeep. Although the Curio suspects manipulation from Scarcel, that hasn’t stopped speculation that they could have been affiliated with the Shrike.

Shrike Killed Above Gylidd, then Ascended to Inaethri

By Iago Marasco
Reports from witnesses and Gylidd Syn Aethri’s government indicate that a battle between a group of Wrenjers and warriors from across Gylidd took place above the island in the storm that was observable from across the planet. After the Shrike was defeated, people witnessed the Brume cut across parts of Gylidd, wiping out villages whose only crime was to establish itself in its path to destroy them for ascending to a Godlike state. The Shrike unfortunately chose exile into their immaterial plane, meaning that the struggle against their plots and machinations will not be over soon as their followers will not try and take their place as a being of madness and chaos.   Governments across Myzelis must now ask themselves what can be done to prevent this from happening again, and to implace measures to counter the lurking threat of Cultists that follow the Shrike of Hsira. The pain and destruction experienced this past week is likely only the start of our new experience as a global community, and more is to come if we don’t set aside critical differences between one another. I cannot see a good future for ourselves if we cannot work together, not just as nations begrudgingly thrown in together for survival, but with genuine accords for peace and cooperation that are dictated and accepted by the people of said nations.