Sariel, the Golden Butterfly in Myzelis | World Anvil

Sariel, the Golden Butterfly

Of the Feywild’s most noteworthy duo of Archfey, Sariel acts as the face and is the embodiment of the popular conception of the Fey. Representing the light of the sun, Sariel portrays the day as a time of celebration, finding joy in the world around oneself and the opportunities presented.

Sariel is a tall, lithe individual, standing at near twice the height of most fey. Emerging from her back are her namesake: a pair of golden butterfly wings that leave droplets of gold hovering in her path. These are spores, and those that inhale them are far less resistant to her wiles. She is almost always dressed in green with accents of gold, and her fashion is ever impressive and beautiful.

Much like the Moonlight Moth, Sariel is a talented magic user. However, her gifts focus on manipulating emotions rather than enhancing combat effectiveness. There are few that can stand against her assaults on the mind, having abilities that allow her to ensnare foes in feelings of admiration, appreciation, and love. For this reason she is widely regarded as the more formidable of the two, with victims of her attacks rarely remembering or realizing that they have been swayed by her magic.

Flighty, energetic, and perky, the Golden Butterfly uses her kind-hearted and naïve persona to achieve her goals. Whether it be spreading rumors or keeping the denizens of the Feywild happy, none can compare to her talents at maneuvering fey politics.

Sariel's symbol is that of a butterfly in front of a triple sun.