Skafisle Geographic Location in Myzelis | World Anvil


An ancient land of harsh tundra and hostile wilderness, the island Realm of Skafisle is a land torn with conflict, intrigue, and dangers. Five major civilizations currently dominate the realm, and every few hundred years one civilization falls or breaks apart, only for a new empire to rise from the ashes. Those five civilizations are: the orderly, pious republic of Vrittania; the opportunistic oligarchy of Veskan Enterprises; the proud and mighty Magnus Imperium; the strong and spiritual clans of the Northern Kingdoms; and the inquisitive, scientific minds of The Research Enclave.   Skafisle is mostly made up of woodlands and tundra, but hosts a beautiful coastal region as well as several sacred mountains. Monsters creep in every corner of the many ruins left behind by ancient civilizations, calling dozens of adventurers to face their dangers to claim their spoils. It was not always like this; thousands of years prior Skafisle was united under a single empire now lost to time. Its ruler was Skaff, the infamous lich-king of legend for whom the realm is named. He ruled over the realm with an iron fist for hundreds of years, but he was sealed away by a group of ancient heroes, and after his empire fell to ruin. Though rumors are beginning to circulate that the lich-king has awakened, and he is eager to reclaim his lost glory.
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