
The Nevae worship Surinyar, a god of nature in all its aspects. Whether it be the dense forests that make up the vast majority of Verbera or the stormy seas surrounding the island, all the wild is Surinyar’s domain. To Surinyar’s faithful, the dangers of Verbera are not unlike the white blood cells in the body, acting as defense to ensure the wilderness is not wiped out, as it has been in many places in the rest of the world. In addition to being seen as patron deity to the Nevae, Surinyar is believed to have some connection to the Feywild, given that the Nevae, according to some, are fey who have lost their connection to the Feywild. Many fey openly worship Surinyar, which only makes this deity’s aspect as patron of the fey more likely to be true.

Nature, in all its aspects

  Holy Symbol

A birdhouse

  Cleric Domains

Life, Nature, Tempest