Tahlisal in Myzelis | World Anvil


Tahlisal (TAH-liss-ahl) believes that nature and civilization can flourish together only under her dominion, and that those who stand against it will feed the ground upon which it is built.   They are known as the Acharan Empress, and manifest as an elven warrior wreathed in blistering sunlight and surrounded by an army of bestial folk.   Tahlisal is regarded as Chaotic Evil.   Their primary domain is Nature, and secondary domains are Grave, Light, and War.    
"When one travels, they follow the experience of the best wayfinder. When one seeks knowledge, they defer to their studied mentors. In every aspect of life, there are those suited to lead -- when it comes to culture and civilization, that distinction belongs to Elvenkind. There has never been a people more connected to nature itself than Elves. None other can so exquisitely weave together wilderness and architecture, with neither the health of one nor the potential of the other lost. And in a world with the Brume, this is the only way forward to a future where we can build wonders without Vrokíva's cage falling back upon us.   That the beast-kin are civilized now is entirely owed to Tahlisal, who tamed the wild and feral, and taught them culture and purpose. It was Tahlisal who taught the barbaric that a blade can be both refined and ferocious, and that elegance is not without defense. You see, all are welcome to step into the light of the Acharan Empress and follow the path that she has provided, what we call the Tahlisian Dawn in her honor.   The Tahlisian Dawn has already elevated folk from the darkness of their barbarism and ignorance — and it is what will both save all of Myzelis from an eternity of mist, and allow us to grow, accomplish, and create in ways that have not been possible since before the Ripple. This is a profound responsibility, and it is protected as such."  
— Ashaoryn, Elamriachar of Tahlisal