Thamuir's Gavel Item in Myzelis | World Anvil

Thamuir's Gavel

Thamuir's Gavel is an artifact that appears to be a magic warhammer in the rounded shape of a judge's mallet of office. Though it appears to be made of dark wood, its artifact status renders it nearly indestructible, and despite its delicate appearance it is quite hefty and well-balanced for combat.   Two rumors exist about the possible destruction of Thamuir's Gavel: the first states that the gavel will crack in twain the day it is used to pass final judgment upon The Master. The second is less recognized - that someone found worthy to bear the Gavel in battle against the Master may later swear fealty to the Hand of Light and undo the Inaethri's untimely death, recreating the Church of Thamuir and restoring the status of its deity, an act which requires the spark of the divine hidden within the hammer itself.
Item type
Weapon, Melee
While using Thamuir's Gavel, you have a +4 bonus to attack and damage rolls with it, and can cast Light at will. Additionally, you gain a +1 bonus to AC and all saving throws. If the weapon is ever grasped by an undead or fiend, that creature must make a DC 20 Wisdom saving throw or take 20d10 radiant damage, repeating the save every hour they remain in possession of it.