The Briar in Myzelis | World Anvil

The Briar

At the foot of the Southern Rachis Range, on the northwest side of Specter Lake and the edge of the Petrified Wood, lies the community known as “The Briar.” This community is less of a settlement than a gathering of individuals - mostly Lizardfolk and Dragonborn - but all are welcome. It is not uncommon to encounter Goliath, Dwarves, and even the occasional brave Human attempting to strengthen themselves. The only stipulation is that one must be open to the lessons and practices of Atnachi, the Gylidder Inaethri of progress through pain.   Those who choose to live in this community practice the primary tenant “Through pain and suffering shall we gain strength.” Three standing pillars of petrified wood form the heart of the community, around which the many simple nests or bedrolls are constructed. Each structure is carved to represent an aspect of Atnachi’s path. The first depicts a forest being torn away by vicious winds, with only a few stout saplings remaining unmoved by the howling gale. The second depicts the same saplings - now young trees - growing while a battle rages around them. A few fall to the chaos of war, but the remainder are watered by the blood of the fallen. The final carving depicts Atnachi themselves - a bramble with humanoid form, woven tightly and unmoving - the Thornglove in all its terrible beauty.   Most often those inhabiting the conclave will use it as a staging ground for forays into the Petrified Wood, with minimal or no supplies to test themselves. Sometimes they travel to Specter Lake to see if they could handle its depths and cold, and - on occasion for only the extremely brave or foolish - a few would even attempt to venture into the mists of Vrokíva's Grasp.   The warriors of the Briar frequently train amongst themselves. Their exercises are unorthodox by most standards, because instead of avoiding pain and dodging strikes, the followers of Atnachi train to endure it. They allow hits from their opponents to land and mark them, scarring their bodies to show evidence of their fervent devotion. The wisest and most seasoned acolytes are measured by their quantity and quality of their scars.   Many followers of Atnachi perish in their trials, but even in death the followers serve to strengthen the Inaethri. The bodies of the fallen - whether from combat or exposure - are brought back to the edge of the grove surrounding the conclave. They feed and empower the forest; generation after generation providing a natural protection to the community from those who would seek their destruction.  

Important People

Scar Matron Xartiva

Oldest and wisest among the clerics of Atnachi at the Briar, Xartiva is a lizardfolk femme nearing the age of 50. She is missing one eye and bears numerous scars. Two fingers on her left claw are missing from frostbite and when she speaks there is a permanent empty hiss at the end of her words from nearly drowning too many times in Specter Lake. Despite all this, instead of seeing the elderly lizard as frail, the followers of Atnachi revere Xartiva and often heed her advice on trials and the meaning of Atnachi’s path, none know how to survive the natural world as Xartiva does.  

Barox Thousand-Marks

Among the Briar, Barox is a rarity. The Goliath, though small for one of his species, has earned his moniker. It is difficult to tell whether Barox has any unscarred tissue, the most stalwart of Atnachi’s primal warriors, Barox has never encountered a weapon capable of felling him and not for lack of trying. Still youthful, Barox acts as the first and the ringleader of the revenants, to surpass Barox’s fortitude would be to become indestructible.  

Gar Yellow-Eyes

A stout Dragonborn male named for his distinctive golden irises. Gar prides himself on his ability to eat unparalleled amounts of food claiming that he is capable of lasting entire seasons on just his stomach’s contents alone. Despite his bold claims, Gar is a capable warrior and known to be able to sustain significant damage without falling. He has been aspiring to be a revenant for several seasons but Barox dislikes his boasts and so halts his ascent.