The Mistcall Tradition / Ritual in Myzelis | World Anvil

The Mistcall

From the pages of the Gylidder’ Almanac’s (Winter) Gazette, the annual farming guide’s seasonal newsletter, delivered to each city in Gylidd and also ferried to cities in other Realms with connections to Gylidd during the month of Zhira:  
Dear Reader,   In recent weeks, it has come to our attention that in many places the Brume is receding from the borders of our Realms. While we are carefully reserved about making recommendations or advising any particular course of action, we remain hopeful that Vrokíva’s influence is waning due to our diligence in maintaining the careful balance of nature and civilization. Perhaps someday soon we will be the first generation since the Ripple to see only clear skies at every horizon!   In the meantime, we are aware that many bold tests are being performed daily by naturalists all across our island, measuring the Brume’s intensity and ‘mood’, as well as surveying weaker Leylines that may soon permit travel to long-lost places of the world where even more of our fellow aethrin can be found. One such study has revealed a very exciting discovery.   Frolen Phibill, a forest gnome and humble animalist of the Henwyddon (the Druidic Circles of Gylidd) of Grenlea, has been tending to avian beasts seen traveling into and out of the Brume on their yearly migrations for going on 29 winters. They have been following in the footsteps of their mentors for the better part of five hundred years, traveling to each of the places on the island where the Brume touches the land, befriending and gently studying the creatures that effortlessly navigate Vrokíva’s wilds to see what effects it has upon them.   Frolen has informed his circle - and through them, the Wild Synga (one half of the leadership council) of Gylidd Syn Aethri - that for the first time since the beginning of Grenlea’s Henwyddon, the Brume has allowed the transmission of physical letters via spirits and animal messengers. Seeing the promise of having a greater understanding of the invisible ley beneath our feet that guides so much of the nature all around us, Henwyddon and the Wild Synga have proposed that the people of Gylidd work together to increase the number of examples, and have petitioned that the Seat of the Synod - as diplomat-in-chief to the rest of Myzelis - humbly request that my fellow aethrin in other Realms attempt the same.   What our Wild Synga suggests is simple. They ask that any aethrin with access to nonmagical writing material - from a simple knife and a thick piece of bark, or something as ornate as vellum and kraken ink - scribe a one or two ‘page’ letter and take it to a local messenger service, druid circle, ranger enclave, or any other beast or spirit based courier to have it sent into the Brume. Again, all that’s being advised now is the transmission of NON-magical letters only, anything longer than two pages or more involved than a letter may not survive the trip. You may attempt to send it to a particular person, but know that at this time it is highly unlikely to arrive in that specific person's hands. At the bottom of the letter, we also request that you provide a name - whether fake or real does not matter, only as a method by which to differentiate the messages - and where it came from.   The content of the letter doesn’t much matter scientifically, but we encourage everyone to write about your life, to explain as much or as little about your current struggles, your goals, your hopes and dreams, as you like. You may be vague or specific, eloquent or direct, whatever speaks for you. It is our hope that even if this experiment serves for little else, it will have been the first time in Myzelis’ history - since the Brume separated all of us nearly 30,000 years ago - that we were joined together for one glorious moment in time as a unified aethrin people.   The content of the letter doesn’t much matter scientifically, but we encourage everyone to write about your life, to explain as much or as little about your current struggles, your goals, your hopes and dreams, as you like. You may be vague or specific, eloquent or direct, whatever speaks for you. It is our hope that even if this experiment serves for little else, it will have been the first time in Myzelis’ history - since the Brume separated all of us nearly 30,000 years ago - that we were joined together for one glorious moment in time as a unified aethrin people.   If the experiment is successful, we have divined that all who participate should expect the Incari of Myzelis to balance your gift with a reply from somewhere else in the world. The reply may seem random, but we believe that by studying the patterns of how these messages flow through the Brume we will grow in our understanding of the hidden bonds that tie us all together. As for Gylidd, we have dubbed this brand new event the first ever Mistcall, and we hope that such a window will happen again in our lifetimes.   Well wishes this Mistcall, and good health to you and your people!   Amrith Hogaine
Advocate of the People of Gylidd
Chair of the Synod
Gylidd Syn Aethri City, Gylidd