Aasimar Species in Na'Endreth | World Anvil


Aasimar hold within their souls the light of the heavens. They are descended from humans with a touch of the power of Mount Celestia, the divine realm that witnesses the kingdom of the celestial ones. Aasimar are created to serve as champions of the gods, their rebirths hailed as blessed events. They are a people of otherworldly visages, with luminous features that reveal their celestial heritage.   Aasimar are placed in the world to serve as guardians of law and order. They have yet to shake their bound service to patrons of the high heavens. Unlike most species, an Aasimar is not born but created through a ritual of rebirth known as Aasimorphosis, cleansing impurities, and cementing the code of that bound the earliest humans. Each aasimar is tied to one of the Gods. Typically one of the Gith Colonists. This tie acts as the base line to what visions they will receive.   While Aasimar can be incredibly diverse in appearance, they most commonly have bright hair, and golden eyes. In addition they often have a pair of wings that manifest when their connection to the gods is at its strongest. This can be attributed to the Aasimorphosis that an aasimar undergoes brings their physical appearance slightly closer to that of the being they serve. (An example of appearance change is displayed to the right)   Despite their celestial service, an aasimar possesses free will. Most aasimar follow their ordained path, but some grow to see their abilities as a curse. These disaffected aasimar are content to turn away from the world, but a few become agents of chaos. In their minds, their exposure to celestial powers amounted to little more than brainwashing.  


To undergo Aasimorposis a humanoid is taken in by the calls of a divine being or another who is closely tied to them. They are taken to the lowest level of Mount Celestia where they are soaked in its heavenly light. During this process one of the souls in storage of the god is tied to the mortals own soul. Over time the mortals soul and the divine soul will merge (albeit only for this lifetime). Once this is complete the individual will take on a likeness of the diety whose soul was utilized, and minor personality shifts might occur, especially if it is drastically different than the gods.
Scientific Name
Homo angelus
150% of original species
Beatrice as an Aasimar Offering
Beatrice undergoing Aasimorphosis
Beatrice as an Aasimar Scourge of Callina
Beatrice as an Aasimar Protector of Dym
Beatrice as a Fallen Aasimar of Lathicrow


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