Bugbears are the hulking, and harry variants of the goblinkin. Biologically speaking a Bugbear is an amalgam goblin and Bear DNA. Their stature, and reach grants them incredible strength, hardiness, and an endless amount of patience. In short Bugbears make the perfect hunters. On the flip side, much like bears, bugbears require extended periods of sleep, and extra food to remain in peek condition. As a result bugbears have developed a stigma as lazy sleepaholics.
Bugbear recognize their strength grants them a significant advantage when facing other goblins one on one. A trait that puts them at the head of a troop, when Hobgoblins are not involved. With food and rest always on the brain bugbear can often be easy to satisfy.
While the harshness of goblin lifestyle can warp their world view, bugbear are found to be much more simple than their kindred. Their minds are usually focused one singular tasks that they excell at, and they will do whatever they can to reach their goals as quickly as possible. Very rarely will they get wrapped up in politics when a vice is within reach.
Basic Information
Bugbear stand taller than humans, with large limbs that extend 1 foot further than evenly proportionate bodies. A Bugbear will grow a coat of fur across their entire body. Bugbear sensory organs resemble that of a bears.
Dietary Needs and Habits
Like other goblinoids, Bugbear mostly meat. However thanks to their bear heritage they are capable of eating other foods using them to suppliment their diets.
Additional Information
Perception and Sensory Capabilities
Bugbear have excellent sense of smell, and night vision.