
Angel of Empathy

Synias is the Goddess of emotion, Synias obtained willfully by manipulating an Obyrith to possess her. Those who follow her typically fall under the motivation of passion, fear, and other strong emotions. Her presence is enough to drive out the worst in people. She is depicted in the likeness of a vampiric horned woman, with a limitless mind of indescribably emotion. Synias calls the depths of Hell home, collecting the souls of mortals who succumbed their emotions. That said she freely travels across planar boundaries to syphon off of the source of energy that she has been cursed to crave. She is party fiend, and lover of festivities. Embracing every opportunity to partake in the fun of the moment. Other times she is a frightened pedestrian, or a victim of a crime. Most of all however she is a vampiric devil preying on the will of those who intervene. Synias is perpetually on the run, The incomplete possession, driving her into a constant need to feed.

Divine Domains

Trickery, Tempest

Holy Books & Codes

Consulting the words of Nib will grant a full insight into Synias' nature. Many scriptures depict her as a powerful devil who should be feared, with very few displaying her good side.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A distorted face partially between happiness and sadness.

Tenets of Faith

  • Live fast, Die young
  • Party tell you drop
  • Not a care
  • Express yourself
  • Enjoy the little things

Divine Goals & Aspirations

To escape the perpetual threat of her demise.
Divine Classification
Chaotic Neutral


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