
Lord of Prejudice

Tafto is the Obyrith of hate, the devil of violence, and the lord of prejudice. Tafto's origin is as the first Obyrith to possess a mortal husk. He is the being who sits within the hearts of all mortals silently twisting them against each other for his amusement. Tafto is most often worshiped as a great leader by the demons and devils of Hell. Following blindly to his promise of liberation and superiotity. Tafto's worship is cruel, demanding sacrifice and torcher for the sake of it. He is depicted as your stereotypical devilkin with long pointed horns and grey scales hide. He delights in the corruption of mortal souls. His work endless to ensure the falling of anyone and everyone he can.   The lord of Hell is is dedicated to his craft, and a potent force to reckon with. Tafto came into being during the first Godswar a harbinger of battles too come. A man directly corrupted by the powers of Yal'Tesh, and a victim of the same experiments as Hamartia He is for lack of a better word pure evil.

Divine Domains

War, Knowledge

Holy Books & Codes

Consulting the words of Nib will grant a full insight into Tafto's nature. Various hellish tombs are also used in practice.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A Pile of worms

Tenets of Faith

  • Superiority 
  • Blind loyalty
  • Anger and Hatred towards other groups
  • Glorious ascension awaits you

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Accumulating and corrupting whatever he can. Eliminate the oppositional forces. War on mortals and higher celestials.
Divine Classification
Chaotic Evil
Ruled Locations


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