Yaipper swamp
A swamp bordering the edge of Obbella that is home to the dreaded Jabberhydra. The swamp is a polluted region of chaotic and nonsensical disposal that is a frequent dumping ground for discarded info arcane data. As a result The Yaipper swamp is unique in that it is one of the only natural locations that aberrations exist through natural causes. Yaipper swamp came about as a result of the falling of the word of enchantment colliding into its center, and insane wizards it draws into its depths to die.
Thick and damp pools of water covered by decaying overgrowth and an abundance of mushrooms and dirt. One who examines these swamps may notice many partially decaying corpses drowned beneath.
Natural Resources
Charged Enchantment magic.
Wetland / Swamp
Location under