In the beginning there were 6 Beings, These powerful beings were all that existed within the inky blackness of nothing. These beings, known as Space, Time, Life, Probability, Code, and Knowledge, represented the fundamentals of reality itself. As they existed so did their being slowly begin to create energies.
- First Code brough order into existence, and with it brought data that would soon be used to make creation and progression possible.
- Then Time created a tunnel, within this tunnel all things would move and progress as they began to experience motion.
- Next Life presented a seed that would soon become a tree, an enormous tree that rapped around the nothing converting code into confined pockets of pure energy.
- Space pulled by this force became Na’Endreth.
- Probability in jealousy of Space's corporeal nature, retaliated and attacked Space spreading the lands into multiple of parallel lairs each with special dominion from one Overgod.
- Last came Knowledge who before her essence could tether to creation was locked away by the others confined to a prison of elemental technologies built to serve her siblings.