
  Eldersbane is a rare and much-feared degenerative disease that primarily affects older magic users in Nagaani. It is characterized by the rapid degeneration of both magical and physical faculties. The disease is particularly insidious as it progresses swiftly and leaves the afflicted in a state of helplessness.    
Initial Stage
  Uncontrollable Magic Bursts: Magic users experience sudden, uncontrollable bursts of magic. These outbursts can be dangerous, causing harm to the user and their surroundings.   Leg Weakness: Affected individuals begin to experience weakness in their legs, leading to difficulty in standing and walking.   Minor Memory Lapses: Early signs of cognitive decline, including forgetfulness and difficulty concentrating.   Hallucinations: The individual may see or hear things that aren't there, causing confusion and fear.  
Middle Stage
  Significant Loss of Spell Power: Magic users find it increasingly difficult to cast spells, with many of their attempts failing.   Severe Tremors: Hands and other parts of the body shake uncontrollably, making fine motor skills difficult.   Loss of Appetite: The individual loses interest in food, leading to weight loss and further physical weakening.   Frequent Memory Loss: The cognitive decline worsens, with more frequent and severe memory lapses and confusion.  
Final Stage
  Complete Inability to Perform Magic: The magic user loses all magical abilities, leaving them powerless.   Physical Frailty: The body becomes extremely weak and frail, making even basic movements challenging.   Total Cognitive Decline: The individual may no longer recognize loved ones or remember their own identity. Rapid Senescence: The body ages rapidly, leading to a decline in all physical functions and eventual death.  
  Eldersbane is thought to be triggered by the rapid accumulation of magical energy over a lifetime, which eventually overwhelms and destroys the body’s ability to contain it. This rapid buildup of energy creates an imbalance that the body and mind can no longer sustain, leading to the symptoms described. In a typical magic user’s life, magical energy is gradually acquired, which should then be directed and managed with guided education. Investigation has revealed that many who have this degenerative condition had a rapid surge of magical energy in their younger years, without guidance or direction for it. There are a growing number of sufferers who can be said to have had a normal magical development, and no apparent cause can be easily seen. Therefore, I can point to no clear, or obvious cause.     Treatment and Management:   Currently, there is no known cure for Eldersbane. However, several methods have been developed to manage and alleviate the symptoms:   Stabilizers: Potions designed to stabilize magical energy and reduce the frequency of uncontrollable bursts. These potions are, regrettably, only viable for a short time. They have a very short shelf-life and a short period of usefulness once in the body.   Physical Therapy: Exercises to strengthen the legs and improve mobility in the early stages of the disease.   Cognitive Exercises: Activities to help maintain cognitive functions for as long as possible, such as puzzles and memory games.   Nutritional Support: Specialized diets to combat loss of appetite and provide the necessary nutrients to maintain strength.   Cultural Impact: Eldersbane has a profound impact on the magical community throughout Nagaani. The fear of contracting the disease leads many magic users to seek ways to limit their exposure to high levels of magical energy. It also inspires a sense of urgency in the teaching of magic, as practitioners strive to pass on their knowledge before they are potentially struck by the disease.   Notable Cases:   Archmage Lyrian Medivus: A renowned magic user who dedicated his later years to researching Eldersbane. His notes, numerous journals, and discoveries continue to guide current research efforts.   Elder Miras Cloras: A beloved community leader who, despite her affliction, continued to mentor young magic users and share her wisdom until the final stages of the disease.   Research and Hope for the Future:   Efforts to find a cure for Eldersbane are ongoing. Researchers in Nagaani are exploring various avenues, including the possibility of magical detoxification processes and protective charms that could prevent the buildup of harmful energy. There is hope that one day, Eldersbane will be a thing of the past, and elderly magic users will be able to enjoy their golden years without fear.   Written by Researcher Curatio Frevas


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