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Cold Iron

Cold Iron

Trade Good


Cold Iron has the following properties:
  • A melee weapon or piece of ammunition made of cold iron deals 1d6 extra damage against fey, and any damage dealt with it against a fey or a creature with fey ancestry reduces the target's hit point maximum by the amount of damage dealt. This reduction lasts until the target finishes a long rest.
  • If a fey attempts to pass under a piece of cold iron (for example, a horseshoe made of cold iron nailed over a doorway), it must first succeed on a DC 13 Charisma saving throw, being unable to move past it on a failed save.
  • Fey have disadvantage on attacks made against a creature wearing armor made out of cold iron.
  • A fey or a creature with fey ancestry is considered poisoned for the duration of holding an object made of cold iron or wearing armor made of cold iron, this effect ignoring immunity to the poisoned condition.

  • Found abundantly in the layer of Ysgard known as Nidavellir, with rare strains found elsewhere in the multiverse, cold iron is a metal that is particularly distasteful to fey and elves. It is unusually cool to the touch, as it seems to seep away at heat in the environment, though this effect does not extend further than being a minor sensory effect.


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