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Infernal Steel


Infernal Steel

Trade Good


Infernal steel has the following properties:
  • A creature of evil alignment (but not chaotic) has a +1 bonus to weapon attack and damage roles made with a weapon forged of infernal steel.
  • A creature of lawful alignment (but not good) also has a +1 bonus to weapon attack and damage roles made with such a weapon. These bonuses combine to be +2 for a lawful evil creature.
  • Armor made of infernal steel grants its wearer resistance to fire and cold damage.
  • Additionally, If a creature's true name is written with its own blood into the molten steel as a weapon of infernal steel is being forged, the creature forms a special bond with that weapon, gaining the following properties:
  • The weapon's owner can never be willingly disarmed of the weapon.
  • The weapon's owner always knows the exact location of the weapon, as long as it is on the same plane of existence.
  • If the weapon is on the owner's body when the owner dies, and the owner's soul travels to different plane of existence upon death, the weapon is transported to be alongside the soul wherever it ends up (most often allowing a devil to keep its weapon if it is slain anywhere other than the Nine Hells).
  • Infernal steel is made in the Nine Hells, and requires a forge of hellfire to smelt. Arms made of this material are commonplace in the Hells, wielding by devilish troops. It is always hot to the touch, though not enough to be painful.

    Item type

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