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Olympian Bronze

Olympian Bronze

Wondrous Item

Legendary Requires Attunement

Olympian Bronze has the following properties:
  • Any object crafted from Olympian bronze requires attunement. It cannot be destroyed or reformed by any means other than by the cyclopes' forge in Olympus.
  • Any weapon made of Olympian bronze has a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls, and deals 2d8 extra damage on a hit. This bonus increases to 5d8 against titans. Additionally, attacks with such a weapon against titans are made with advantage.
  • A creature that had been damaged by a weapon made of Olympian bronze cannot regain hit points for 10 minutes. This even foils the regeneration of deities, and the wish spell.
  • Armor made of Olympian bronze grants the wearer a +3 bonus to armor class, advantage of saving throws against magical effects, and resistance to damage dealt from spells or other magical effects. Additionally, titans have disadvantage attacking a creature wearing such armor.
  • A creature attuned to an item made of Olympian bronze is immune to the frightened condition.
  • Forged by the immortal demigod cyclopes of Olympus, Olympian bronze is the material that the arms of the Olympian gods that reside in Arborea wield. The Olympian gods often give weapons made of the stuff to their demigod children, though they just as often fall into the possession of other great heroes, as if guided to them by fate.

    Item type

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