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Pure Silver

Pure silver is normal silver that has undergone rigorous purification, a process that involves both precise metallurgy and magic. Pure silver is found naturally in great abundance in Lunia, the first layer of Mount Celestia, where large veins occasionally are exposed on the surface. In the case of some worlds of the material plane, pure silver can be found in abundance on the moon(s). Pure silver can also be found in the feywild, often in places where veins of normal silver would be found in the corresponding location in the material plane.
Pure silver has the following properties:
  • A weapon or piece of ammunition made of pure silver deals 1d6 extra radiant damage against fiends, undead, and lycanthropes.
  • An ounce of pure silver dust sprinkled on a creature causes that creature to be under the effects of a protection from good and evil spell for 1 hour.
  • If a fiend or undead attempts to cross over a line of pure silver dust, it must first succeed on a DC 13 Charisma saving throw, being unable to move past it on a failed save.
  • A mirror made of pure silver is magical. If a vampire sees a mirror made of pure silver, it must succeed on a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened of the mirror as long as it can see it, being able to repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on a success. Additionally, sunlight reflected by such a mirror has the properties of the light of a full moon, in addition to sunlight.
  • Pure silver dust can be used as a material component for spells that call for silver dust as a component. If pure silver is used for such a spell, the spell takes effect as if it was cast using a spell slot of one level higher than was used. Additionally, if a fiend or undead attempts to dispel magic caused by a spell cast in this manner, they must first succeed on a DC 20 Charisma saving throw, failing to do so on a failed save.

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