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Radiant Gold


Radiant Gold

Trade Good


Radiant Gold had the following properties:
  • Any object crafted from radiant gold is an artifact that requires attunement by a good creature. It cannot be destroyed by any means other than being melted down in an environment of pure positive energy.
  • Radiant gold, and any object crafted from it, emits bright light in a 60 foot radius, and dim light for another 60 feet. This light is sunlight.
  • Any weapon made of radiant gold has a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls, and deals 2d8 extra radiant damage on a hit. This bonus increases to 5d8 against fiends and undead. Additionally, attacks with such a weapon against fiends and undead are made with advantage.
  • Armor made of radiant gold grants the wearer a +3 bonus to armor class, advantage of saving throws against magical effects, resistance to damage dealt from spells or other magical effects, and immunity to radiant damage. Additionally, fiends and undead have disadvantage attacking a creature wearing such armor.
  • Weapon attack and damage rolls made with a weapon made of radiant gold can use the wielder's Charisma or Wisdom modifier (their choice), in place of Strength or Dexterity.
  • A creature that isn't of good alignment takes 1d8 radiant damage when touching radiant gold. This damage increases to 3d8 for an evil creature.
  • A cleric or paladin that is attuned to a holy symbol crafted from radiant gold has a +3 bonus to spell attack rolls, and increases their spell save DC by 3.
  • An item made of radiant gold disappears from its attuned owner's possession upon death, following the creatures soul to wherever it goes in the multiverse.

  • Radiant gold is crafted on the upper planes by infusing completely pure gold with incredible amounts of positive energy, and is the material used to craft an angel's weapons. It is said that the only the forge capable of handling this material exists in Mount Celestia. Sources claim that Solars are capable of forming the material and crafting swords from it by immersing normal gold directly into the plane of positive energy with their bare hands.

    Item type
    Raw Material

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