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Mug Ruith

Dryw Mug Ruith Unknown (a.k.a. Hermit, Fuaidain, Dion,)

Mug Ruith, when asked for descriptions on him, the top three responses were, classic hermit, dirty conjurer, wild-man. Mostly due to his unkempt tidings. All his clothing is self made, hand sewn, mostly wool pantaloons and leather tunic as casual garb, when he leaves his temporary home or goes to travel to find a new place to settle he wears his wool cloak, with bear pelt padding for extra warmth when journeying, with him he carries his own bowstaff, carved with druidic patterns and symbols, which also doubles as his walking stick on either end of the staff, coated on the tops and bottoms is tree sap to protect the staff from wear, being used as a walking stick. As a man of the druidic teachings his hair has grown natural, long, mangled, messy thick brown hair with hints of grey grows from his head running down to the small of his back, his beard is of the same colour, and long enough to be tucked into his oak bark fibre woven belt. As a druid, Mug lives in the wilderness, as such he tends to get many of natures gifts in his beard, and while he does bathe regularly on open streams and hidden lakes, at the end of the day Mug is always removing pedals, leaves and small twigs from his beard and hair. When Mug finds a flower or blossom, picked or trampled and cast aside in the wilderness by disrespectful people of the races, he incites his duty to the balance of nature by placing the fallen beauties in his hair, beard or necklace so they may see more of the world in the shortened life. His skin is very tough like leather, living outdoors and dealing with the wilderness will do that, he has strong dexterous hands and feet, while he doesnt have the body of the gods as depicted in ancient statues, he has a strong build which has weathered with his age, a strong brow and chin, make for an intimidating mysterious being, not to mention the wolf ears coming out of his head and different coloured eyes, one yellow like a hawk and the other powder blue as the clear sky.   Brief Backstory and quirks: “Mug Ruith was born on a fateful night, a rare night during the summer solstice a meteor shower was blessed amongst the skies. Mug Ruith was the only child born this night, and so it was by divine cosmic will that He be destined to be a druid. We sought out this child, and we found him motherless, for she had died in childbirth, so we orphaned the nameless boy and we raised him by our Druidic teachings, and he learned of the true love of nature and the teachings of its balance and its will. As we thought on his day of birth, we new he was destined to protect the balance of nature as a druid and so here he stands today, on his fourteenth year, he passed the trials of nature to become a true druid, when he was judged by the spirits at the end of his trial he was named, and so nature has called our newest Druid, protector of the balance, Mug Ruith, the Druid.” - Druid Altidore Caen, Mug Ruith’s Druidic Mentor and Teacher, Mug Ruith’s Introduction to the Circle of Druids   Born on the summer solstice during a meteor shower, Mug Ruith was soon orphaned and adopted by the local nature hermit, Druid Altidor Caen. Mug Ruith was raised by the Druid in the teachings of the balance of nature, life, the elements, the spirits and the fae, some say he was destined to be a Druid and only had their beliefs bolstered when he passed the Druidic Trials to become a being worthy of being deemed a protector of nature and The Balance at 14 years of age. His late teen years and early adult years were spent as a nomad, travelling the land discovering its sacred areas and spots. Bringing balance to nature where he could. His many years being raised in isolation from the other races and people, he has developed a very terse view of the races after witnessing their discourtesy and disrespect of the natural ecosystems which they invade, shape and abuse to their liking. This leads him to avoiding most lengthy conversations with people, and most interactions in general. However like most young creatures they are often bright and innocent, and so Mug makes and exception for children of the Races, as they most often than not, haven’t been corrupted or learned prejudices and disrespect for the balance of things. Mug Ruith Feels most comfortable when surrounded by nature and animals, in fact he prefers their company and often speaks to animals in common and Druidic tongues. For the last decade, Mud Ruith has taken up residence next to a mining village, protecting a centuries old grove from being abolished so the village may expand the mine.   Quirks: Quick to judge people. Highly antisocial. Prefers to sleep outside. Enjoys communing for lengthy times with nature. Talks to animals, plants and most things in nature. Doesn’t smell all that great but not all that bad either, washes in rivers, lakes and streams, doesn’t use soap though. Hates undead and most abominations within nature. Tolerant of natures circle of life.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Strong, well built, durable. Tough skin like leather, unkempt hair and appearance often ragged looking and dirty. Lean muscle, broad-shouldered, starting to age, heavily lined face, not that it can be seen under his messy beard and hair.

Body Features

Has Wolf Ears Long mangy beard unkempt and often filled with "hitchhikers" from his wandering through nature (flowers, twigs, leaves etc.) Dirty skin, unable to tell if tanned skin or just dirty.

Facial Features

Strong brow and chin, thick eyebrows, different coloured eyes one powder blue and the other golden yellow, a few yellowing teeth, very sharp canines.

Identifying Characteristics

Druidic symbols and patterns tattooed on his arms, hands and fingers.

Physical quirks

Right-handed, has very thick durable skin on his hands and feet. Very firm grip and rigid stance. Ears tend to twitch at any unnatural sounds.

Special abilities

Magic Spirit Magic Nature Animals

Apparel & Accessories

Hand made everything using hides and natural materials like bark and tree roots, plants etc.

Specialized Equipment

Specializes in Bowstaff and Axes Magic Spirit Magic Wooden Shields

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity





Druidic and Spiritual Training Spirit and Nature acuity

Accomplishments & Achievements

Became a full fledge druid at the age of 14.

Mental Trauma

Orphaned at birth. Stubbornly failing, try as he might, to maintain the balance of nature where people of the races dwell and expand.

Intellectual Characteristics

Strong affiliation with spirits, nature and animals.

Morality & Philosophy

Morality is neutral amongst all living things. Believe in the balance of nature and spirits, the circle of life, will take action to ensure the balance is maintained.


Upsetting the Balance of Nature
Year of Birth
3474 42 Years old
Powder Blue & Golden Yellow
Long and unkempt
6' 8 1/3''
70 Kg
Quotes & Catchphrases
"........." *glares* *squinty eyes* *spits* "Hmph" "Aiteann" "Cúl Tóna" "Ráicleach"
Known Languages
Common Druidic
Character Prototype
Hermit like in the sense of Old Luke Skywalker, Appearance like the wild men from game of thrones such as Tormund Giantsbane but with brown and grey hair and a long beard like (Book Depicted/Richard Hariss) Dumbledore (NOT Micheal Gambon Dumbledore) or Gandalf the Grey, with all the social ability and hate for other that courses through Severus Snape.


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