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The Elder Powers

The Elder Powers, also sometimes referred to as the Elder Gods or simply the Elders, are malevolent powers from beyond the edge of the universe that extend their power into this world, corrupting all they touch.   In the beginning, shortly after the Primordial Dragons converged from the Chaos-Matter of the Universe the world of Nadmir, elder things from beyond the edge of the universe sensed the creation of new order in the roiling chaos and came to investigate.   They looked upon the world of Nadmir and craved a plaything, and so they came and slunk into the world and began to corrupt it, planning to tear it from the grasp of the Primordial Dragons.   The Elder Powers feed on fear, each one harvesting from specific fears experienced by all mortal creatures.  

The Cold Star

Referred to in ancient texts as the Pulsar, the Blue Omen, the Light in the Black, and It That Glimmers In The Dark. The Cold Star was sealed away in a prison on the Astral Sea and can be seen from Nadmir - a cold blue light in the northern sky, often used by sailors and travelers to mark true north. Followers of the Cold Star are devoid of all emotion, free from the shackles of love or hatred, knowing nothing of fear or pain. The Cold Star wishes to see all of Nadmir under a frigid blanket of darkness, devoid of all life and all love.   The first indication that you have encountered the Cold Star is a sudden feeling of absolute chilling fear that radiates through your whole body, following by a complete absence of all feeling and emotion.   The Cold Star feeds on the fear of wide open spaces, of loneliness and isolation, and of social shunning. Due to the relationship between wide open spaces and fear of falling and heights, it is believed that the Cold Star feeds on these fears as well.   The Cold Star is responsible for the presence of graviturgy magic.  

The Deep Dweller

Referred to in ancient texts as the Fathomless, Many Leagues Below, and It That Lurks In The Deep. The Deep Dweller lies locked in the ancient underwater city of Hanasste, said to have sunk beneath the waves of the Jasper Sea thousands of years ago, before the Sajati Empire rose.   The Deep Dweller is associated with malicious marine creatures, especially those that are mindlessly predatory and lurk beneath the auspices of most land-dwelling mortals. The Deep Dweller is one of the few Elders who is depicted in art, often being rendered as a massive anglerfish that, rather than having a tail, has a long body that trails downward further than any light can reach.   The Deep Dweller feeds on the fear of being lost at sea, on thalassophobia, and on the fear of creatures that lurk in the open ocean.   There is no currently understood school of magic known to have been created by the Deep Dweller. It is hypothesized that the Deep Dweller is responsible for a tenth school of magic, now lost to time.  

The Dreamer

Referred to in ancient texts as the Sleeper, the Waking Nightmare, and It That Slumbers. The Dreamer lies locked away somewhere beneath the deserts of Kaza'ir. It is rumored that followers of the Dreamer are able to see past, present, and future as a single continuum, though unable to discern what is happening at that exact moment. The Dreamer's most ardent followers exist in a constant haze of delirium, dead to the world around them, as if themselves constantly dreaming, but will often dispense prophecy or reveal ancient secrets.   The first indication that you have encountered the Dreamer is sudden narcoleptic fits and deep hypnosis, in which the sleeper finds themselves in a dream realm, aware they are dreaming, fully lucid, but unable to leave or wake from this state. Even those who cannot be made to sleep through magical means are not immune to this effect, though it is rumored the Shahradar have concocted a way to resist the effect somewhat.   The Dreamer feeds on the fear of misplaced reality, of not being able to distinguish what is real and what is false, and on all paranoias.   The Dreamer is responsible for the presence of transmutation magic.  

The Eater of Secrets

Referred to in ancient texts as the Devourer, the All-Consuming, and It That Hungers. The Eater of Secrets was sealed away beneath the mountains of the world, rumored to be hibernating in a deep prison beneath the Dragon’s Teeth, below even the Underdark, waiting to be unleashed, as its hunger is never sated. If unleashed upon the world, it will begin to eat all living matter, and then all unliving matter, until all that is left is the chaos-matter from which the Prime Material plane was wrought. It is said that even then, the Devourer’s hunger will not be sated, and it will turn its attention to the gods themselves.   Those who encounter the Devourer are said to lose all sentient thought and be left catatonic, as even knowing of the Devourer’s existence feeds it, as it devours the thoughts and intelligence of living creatures.   The Devourer feeds on the fear of the unknown, of forgetting that which is dear to someone, and of losing loved ones and one's sense of identity.   The Devourer is responsible for the presence of abjuration magic.  

The Laughing God

Referred to in ancient texts as The Cruel Joke, Sanity’s End, and It That Mocks. The Laughing God was sealed away in a demiplane, the portal to which is rumored to be hidden somewhere beyond the Rift, perhaps in Sajatos-Sé or the Westlands. The first indication that you have encountered a shadow of the Laughing God is the distant sound of dozens, perhaps hundreds, of voices, all laughing uproariously. The Laughing God feeds on emotion, its favorite being humor, but it will feed on anger, sadness, or disgust just as readily.   Those who hear the Laughing God’s laughter are rendered insane, laughing endlessly at some unknowable final jest of an infinite, uncaring universe.   The Laughing God feeds on the fear of the abnormal and unrecognizable, and thrives on the Uncanny Valley effect.   The Laughing God is responsible for the presence of illusion magic.  

The Mother-of-Many

Referred to in ancient texts as the Broodmother, the Queen of Insects, and It That Breeds. The Mother-of-Many lies locked away somewhere in the deep forested valleys Mesothalassos or Heldiszios, possibly somewhere in the Horn of Helyssos. Devout followers of the Mother-of-Many develop strange growths that eventually become thick, chitinous plating and, on some occasions, insect-like eyes and mandibles where their eyes and mouths should be. Followers of the Broodmother live in vast colonies, mindlessly serving an unknown agenda.   The first indication that you have encountered the territory claimed by the Mother-of-Many will be a proliferation of insects, especially ants, centipedes, wasps, and locusts. Eventually, if you follow these swarms of insects, you will come upon a hive-mound inhabited by her followers... which is exactly what it sounds like.   The Mother-of-Many feeds on the fear of disease, uncleanliness, insects, and of all crawling things.   The Mother-of-Many is responsible for the presence of conjuration magic.  

The Spinner of Mysteries

Referred to in ancient texts as the Spider Queen, the Puppeteer, and It That Sees And Judges. The location of the Spinner of Mysteries is unknown - it is unknown whether it fully manifested in Nadmir or merely directed its many minions and puppets from somewhere beyond the edge of reality. The Spinner of Mysteries is simultaneously written of as being the weakest of the Elders, and also somehow the strongest, as it has its manipulative webs woven throughout the machinations of all of the others.   Among the Elders, the Spinner of Mysteries is the most sentient and prescient - while many of the Elders operate on something that could be likened to instinct or raw animalism, especially the Swift Death, the Unseeing, and the Eater of Secrets, the Spinner of Mysteries is said to never make a move without long, careful consideration. Some plots of the Spinner of Mysteries are said to span the entirety of mortal history in Nadmir, and may still take many thousands of years to fully come to fruition.   The Spinner of Mysteries feeds on the fear of manipulation, arachnophobia, and the fear of losing one's faculties and personal autonomy.   The Spinner of Mysteries is responsible for the presence of enchantment magic.  

The Swift Death

Referred to in ancient texts as the Slaughter, the Great Predator, and It That Follows. The Swift Death lies locked away in many pieces, having been cut apart and secreted away in the deepest forests of Nadmir. If vegetation goes wild and animals become unnaturally aggressive, it could be the work of the World-Mother... or it could be the dark influence of the Swift Death.   Devout followers of the Swift Death gain unnaturally keen senses and at each lunar peak are overcome with the urge to hunt and kill sentient creatures. If a locale has a high rate of horribly grotesque murder, be wary - it is possible a cult of the Swift Death takes residence there.   The Swift Death feeds on the fear of being hunted, the primal terror of being chased by something that wants to kill you, and the fear of dismemberment and mutilation.   The Swift Death is responsible for the presence of evocation magic.  

The Unseeing

Referred to in ancient texts as the Blind Idiot, Darkness Manifest, and It That Watches But Does Not See. The Unseeing, whose true name has been lost to the ages, was sealed away deep beneath the ocean. The exact location of the Unseeing’s prison is unknown, thought to be somewhere at the bottom of the Maelstrom Sea.   The first indication that you have encountered the Unseeing is sudden blindness, followed by auditory hallucinations. However, it is said that followers of the Unseeing lose their normal eyesight but gain the ability to see into other planes of existence, making them effectively blind on the Prime Material but still able to see to some degree.   The Unseeing feeds on fear of the dark, of being watched by unseen observers, and of confusion and disorientation.   The Unseeing is repsonsible for the presence of divination magic.  

The Worm King

Referred to in ancient texts as the Closeness, the Depths, and It That Lies Beneath. The Worm King lies buried deep within the earth underneath the Ivory Spires, though it prefers it that way. It is the only Elder Power who does not desire to escape from its prison, preferring instead to bring mortals closer to it.   Devout followers of the Worm King gain a natural phobia of wide open spaces, preferring instead to remain in cramped quarters, and find themselves especially at home beneath the earth. They gain an unnatural sense for direction and geometry beneath the ground, finding themselves able to navigate subterranean passages and deep dungeons as if they had lived their entire lives there.   The Worm King feeds on the fear of being buried alive, on claustrophobia, and in general on fear of being trapped in tight spaces.   The Worm King is responsible for the presence of necromancy magic.


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