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Welcome, wanderer, to the land of Nadra! Contained within these annals is the most complete collection of history and lore ever assembled, from the First Dragon War up until the Battle of Rindale. Since the Nether Days, the six elements and their avatars have shaped the course of history, leaving signs of their power across Nadra. The eternal conflicts between Fire and Water, Earth and Wind, and Light and Shadow continue to this day, manifesting in the runeweavings practiced by mages. Runeweaving, the arcane art of using runes to channel elemental energy, has been an integral part of civilization since the first mages learned or runes from Andor the Gold. In a world where elemental energy is everywhere, mages are valued as protectors, scholars, and occasionally warriors who have a place in almost every society and country. The rich history of Nadra can be seen in the ruins left behind by long-forgotten kingdoms, and in the dragons and other beasts that roam the wilds. Many tumultuous wars and conflicts have left their scars on the cultures that survive them, and even to this day some peoples harbor bitter feuds stoked by past bloodshed. Many dark deeds have been done, and no land is free from their stain, but there are also champions of good in the world who seek to ensure that an age of war never comes again…

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