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Drow Spider Silk

" 'Alright so we'll buy plenty of your spider-silk for let's say twenty gold pieces per yard, sound fair and good?' uttered Ernst, the only surface side merchant who can sell spider-silk. 'Yes yes... that is fine' the annoyed Drow merchant agreed 'god I'm going to regret striking a bargain with this gaudy man-child' he murmured in Deep Elvish under his breath." - The negotiation for spider-silk pricing between Ernst vair Horn and a drow emissary.


Material Characteristics

It's color is as black as midnight and it's shine is pale and weak.

Physical & Chemical Properties

It is very good at absorbing sound like walking and sneaking.

Geology & Geography

The silk is manufactured in the Underdark and is found only in the drow kingdom.

Origin & Source

The silk is produced by a spider that the drow have domesticated.


Trade & Market

The Drow sell the fabric to each other and to one man on the surface Ernst. This fine fiber is seen as a luxury by most if not all people.

Law & Regulation

The distribution on the surface is only allowed by one man.
Twenty Gold per Yard
Rare on the surface and uncommon in the underdark
Shiny and Black
Related Locations
Related Species
Related Professions


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