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Loseti Goats

Loseti Goats are massive goats that accompany may Cyclopes.

Basic Information


The Males are on average about 8ft tall, while females are 7 and 1/2ft tall. The Males horns weigh about 75 pounds and are excellent for decoration for its easy ability to carve and etch.

Genetics and Reproduction

The goats breed like any other goat.

Growth Rate & Stages

it takes around 12 months to gestate this goliath, Males are considered adults when they get their horns,but females are considered adults after 4 years.

Ecology and Habitats

anywhere where grass grows is the perfect place for this animal

Dietary Needs and Habits

It eats grass,bush, and if low enough leaves off of trees.

Additional Information


They are usually domesticated by Cyclopes and these giant-kin usually make the beast more meaty and more alert.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The wool produced by these is enough to make 1 cyclopes-sized tunic or 10 human-sized ones. The horns are used as decoration and drinking horns.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

they are mostly near or in the The Ice Mountains.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

These behemoth sized beasts have a keener sense of smell.
Horned Goat
35 years
Conservation Status
It is rare to find a Loseti Goat killed by a man for they are revered as protectors of the mountain folk.
Average Height
8ft tall for males, 7 and 1/2 for females
Average Length
The Goats are about 12 ft long
Average Physique
They are more muscular mainly because of the sheer size
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The color of fur and horns usually tries to match that of the local environment I.E. Grey when near stone.


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