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The village of Ohlsverg is a small town on the Lake Palas.


There are around 50 fishermen, 15 tavern owners, 25 Lumberjacks,


The town is divided into to classes those who work in the city bounds and those who work out of the cities bounds. If you are the head of a family and you work outside the city you are taxed more than those who work in the city.


The defenses of the city are simple wooden palisades.


The town possess a tower stone keep, a whole slew of fine drinking establishments, fine roads that even a shoddy cart would feel a smooth ride on, and an old system of docks.

Guilds and Factions

The fishermen have a sort of guild, but it is not official. Then about 1-2 years ago a small cult took the fishermen and made cultists out of some of them, likely to try and catch more fish.


Ohlsverg was once a popular city that sprung up on the trade routes, but that changed about 230 years before present when the lake suddenly expanded and flooded the lower and more important portions of the town.


The village is on the edge of lake Palas.

Natural Resources

The lake provides the settlement with fish to either trade away or use for themselves. Recently though the fish supply has suddenly dried up, not entirely of course, but enough to notice.
Founding Date
609 N.E
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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