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Spider Drake Silk

"A goblin bound in chains and shackles falls into a large hole in the ground. I heard it yell 'I'M GONNA BE RIIIIIICH' so I went over and looked into the pit and saw the little bugger stuck in a large web and I immediately knew what kind of silk it was. So I chopped out that rat of the web and began gather as much silk as I could, 10 maybe even twenty gold a strand. I drug it over to the cart and put it in when I yelled to collect as much as possible. We were gonna be rich we had struck it big time. Then... came the rumbling... oh god the rumbling... my back was turned to my men when I heard one of em yelp in pain and then another, as I turned 'round I saw it's red carapace and it's bloodied mouth. I watched as... as it grabbed one of my few remaining men and slam 'im back and forth and back and forth leaving only a bloody pulp left. I ran, I ran as fast as I could and I could still hear their screams even after their cries were cut short." - The Foreman of an Orcish Mining Expedition, also the only survivor of the mining expedition.


Material Characteristics

The silk is shiny, thin, and maroon colored.

Physical & Chemical Properties

When in fabric form it is incredibly hard to pierce with any thing and helps prevent poisoning from injuries but not ingestion or inhalation.

Geology & Geography

The silk is found only in Spider-Drake dens. These dens are located in the far west.

Origin & Source

The production of this fantastic fiber is entirely done by Spider-Drakes.

Life & Expiration

The silk only loses its strength after being excessively damaged.

History & Usage


The history of this silk begins when a legendary Orcish hero was given a gift from a Spider-Drake in the form of a silken shirt that would work as under armor for the hero. It has been used up to the modern day as an expensive alternative to the regular armors of the common Orc.


The first silk was found by the orcs and was first used by their first united leader.

Everyday use

The average use for this silk is to use as armor or as under-armor for feasts and festivals.

Cultural Significance and Usage

Those who wear this silk wear it because the first Orcish leader wore it and it had become a tradition after a cultural revitalization. It is also worn by the priests of the orcs for rituals.


Trade & Market

The Orcs were the first sellers and soon after the humans, near the orcs, started selling it but both rarely sell outside their region . The common descriptor of the silk is that it is a luxury item.
10-20 Gold per Strand and around 100-200 for 1 square yard
It is extremely rare and hard to get
It tastes bitter and cold no matter the temperature.
It is a maroon colored fabric.
Related Species
Related Professions


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