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The creation of the world


At the beggining there were 4 powerful beings that willed themselves to existence, Margos the Creator, god of Knowledge, its wife Kastia the Lifebringer, goddess of Essence, Urios the Eternal, god of Cycles and time, and then there was Modurn The Shapeless, Being of Morfos.   Margos shaped the Aether giving sense to the forces of the universe, Urios appear not later thinking about the infinite and the consecuences of it he started the roots of time, and as time started to move so did Kastia, and as she felt that all was empty began to shape the essence of life and death and with it came matter, and life, but the world felt devoided and Modurn came to be, as if unwanted but welcomed by the other deities he shaped diversity, free will and both chaos and order. And with it came monsters and creatures, and conflict.   This seemingly altering the balance made Margos to intervene and create the essence of magic along with Kastia, and imbued it in the rock, in the creatures and in the air, so much so that the leftover of the power that the land couldn't take it is said that it form both moons and it made the world feel ablaze for a thousand years, as the magic was at first too powerful for the world, and later it settle down.   After that time each god roamed the lands and notice that some creatures started to behave diferently and sentience was being formed, they called each species a race and gave each race a gift, at some point the ancient races came to awereness and then came the era of monsters, were collosal creatures, dragons and other demi deities debated themselves and tried to gain ground over others, this continued all the way until th sentient races started to organize and do more than just survive.   Then came the wars, the fights and the control and then a single event and a name changed it all, Sidvar. The gods were said to be in each corner of the world, but after the era of the golden crest began they fled their temples and secluded themselves even further, only answering to those that prove to be fervious servants.

Historical Basis

Although the world doesnt know exactly when it as created the signs of magic and the clear records of ancient races depicting the era of monsters does show proof of the great wages of thousands of years between the different reingning creatures, also skulls and bones of deities and demi-deities can be found.   Also there are many documented comunications between priest and specific avatars of the gods, although different races know them with regional names and cultural differences existed it has been determined that most of the world worshipped the same 4 beings (and continues to do so). So although the events of the myth cant be completely confirmed the existence of the gods and previous eras events can be implied and in some instances confirmed.


The basis of the myth exist in every continent with different variations based on culture and names.

Variations & Mutation

Depending on the region the names and events that transpired differ ever so slightly from its order to what actually each god role was. This has been fairly well documented by both the Aethian protectorate of magical affairs and its affiliates and also the great library of the ancients in Kudrim Ath'al. Some examples of this differences can be seen in the role of Modurn and well as Kastia and Urios's Patronage.

Cultural Reception

While in Aethria the myth preserves itself as closely as it has been recorded , many other places have variations as it has been stated before. Here are some recolections of the events according to regional recolections as well as the different patronage of each god:   Aethria:  
  • Margos: God of Knowledge, creator of the aether and capable of modifiying reality as well as patron of elves.
  • Kastia: Goddess of Essence and life, creator of magic, she controls the gate between life and death.
  • Urios: God of Time, controls the cycles, the months and how the moons work.
  • Modurn: Being of Morfos, seen as the beast reces patron(by Aethrians only), planes and necromancy* are associated to him.
*necromancy is considered an aberration of the life and death cycle and therefore is considered a power separated from the realm of Kastia.   Kudrim Athal  
  • Anu Arath: God of the Earth: protector of the races and creator of the lands, patron of druids
  • Kanatria: Goddess of Divination, giver of life and light.
  • Kanaeth: God of the Seasons, patron of beast races, granter of weather and god of the seas.
  • Animorfos: God of death, capable of walking the path between realms, patron of the builders and creators, also of Loxodons.
  Nudrian, Sach'Meth, Tev'Os  
  • Marugun: Protector of Sentient Beings, creator of inteligence and knowledge
  • Argel: Patron of metalurgy and magic, also patron of Dwarves and Goliaths, purificator of evil
  • Uren Kal: Creator of craftsmanship, Patron of navigation, cycles and realms as well as patron for the thieflings
  • Morfos: The eternal shapeshifter, patron of deception and illusions, holder of the gate to afterlife
  Boltaria, Beidrim and Human Beliefs  
    First in human religions each god (of the 4) seems to be separated into several other deities
  • Anuel: The god of creation and light
  • Oni el: The god of life
  • Sanatel: The creator of the elements
  • Katria: Goddes of magic
  • Kanatrina: Goddess of night and ruler of the afterlife
  • Kulve: Goddess of Earth
  • Kuroin: God of the seas and moons
  • Kurono: God of time
  • Galatel: God of harvest
  • Astartoth: Dark god of the Death
  • Mastalion: Demon of the emotions
  • Grandur: Creator of the planes and reality
  • Dalamael: Consumer of the wicked
Date of First Recording
1300 FoM
Date of Setting
The creation of the world


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