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The Layered City of Ath'Edros


The city is comrised of several layers of householding on different biomes, this was made possible thanks to the magic that withholds a large piece of the land above the Athalian Waterfalls, in each layer from the bottom of the river to the high Aarakokran sky states different races make it its home, this layers are comprised as different enviroments that allow very specific living conditions for the prominent and different races that inhabit them. In the city every single layer and race ha its representatives and the vary from simple tribes to large civilized comunities, a couple of example of races that are prominent go from hobgoblins, leonin and centaur amid the central flying planes to aarakokran and bartelan in the sky districts and also ashen dwarves, drow, tritons, kuo toah and other aquatic races in th lower levels just to name a few.} It very important to note that each layer hasits own set of rules and the high council makes sure they are fair for everyone but flexible enough to maintain and respect cultural differences.


In regards of ruling the High council is comprised of leaders from the most influential circles going from the triton's Aquan circles, the hobgoblin's Council of the Center, the leonin's Audience Halls, the Exterior Representative Bureau and the Aarakokran Council, and then other circles get representatives as well that act as chancellors for the 5 high council leaders. As stted before this representation taks under consideration every aspect of their cultural differences to stblish genral laws but each circle in each layer actually has their own specific laws and cultural traditions.


The way the city is constructed is very unique since the lower levers are below the riverbank and a top its surface with varrying arquitecture from aquatic races and many open districts that conect with thw outer docks a top the waterfalls, meanwhile ancient magic sustains the parcel of land called Rangin Rock, a huge piece of land that hasseveral of the layer of the city in it, from the bottom to the open planes at the top of it they actually hold 6 layers, in the most bottom part accomodations for transport are arranged it is also house of several small races like fairyoids, verdans, and some gnomes, followed by 3 layers of caverns and rocky sightings, where ashen dwarves, rock bugbears, halflings, goblinoids, asurans, golemoids, and other groups live, one more layer of cavernous beast that holds more of the dwelling livestock than any particular race, and then the surface layer hold a pletora of bestial races, from other bugbears, leonin, centaurs, hobgoblins, tabaxi, catfolk, rabbitfolk, wukongs, and many others, finally the high parts hold mostly executive buildings and aarakokran houses, as well as other diffrent flying races from bartelan to succubi and harpie groups. It is important to note that this elevatd district is holded up by both magical and physical means as it has 2 large carefully cusntructed pillars that hold it to the Rangin Rock and a floating ward that covers its entire bottom. The city as a whole also has a very distinctive way of transportation via teleports and a heavily defensive warding mechanicsm that doesnt allow people to enter or exit unnoticed, 6 layers of magical rings cover the aerial, land and water ways.

Guilds and Factions

Kudrim Ath'Al hold not only one of the most diverse groups of people but also has the advantage of having 2 of the most prominent guilds in the world that are part of The House of Might cirle, which are both Dire Fangs represented by the guild leader th magnacentaur Gahedriel and also one of the most enigmatic guild as well as one of the smallest, Blue Star recognized among other guilds to be also one with the better control of druidic magic inall of Naedor, both this guildskeep peace in all of th continent but its bases lie at the center of Ath'edros and are highly regarded.
Founding Date
3000 FoM
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym
Ethrish, Athalians, Kudrims
Location under
Owning Organization


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