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Create Undead

6th-Level Necromancy


Create undead raises corpses up from the dead to do the caster's bidding. Early casters will only be able to use this spell to raise up to three ghouls, but more experienced casters have been said to raise ghouls (up to six), ghasts, wights (up to three), and even mummies (up to two). While the creature is within 120 feet of the caster, it can be controlled with the caster's mind and will perform whatever task it is given to the best of its ability until it is complete.   The undead creature remains under the caster's control for 24 hours after the casting, after which it will be free to act of its own will. To reassert control over this creature, one must cast the spell again to have control over it for another 24 hours.

Side/Secondary Effects

Excessive use of create undead has been said to have unfortunate effects on the caster. While nothing notable is viewed at first, continued casting will reveal dark, skeleton shadows seeping into the caster's skin, which will only become more apparent as the spell is cast. Once these marks have set in, they will remain on the caster even after the spell is finished.


As the spell is cast, onlookers have described a faint breeze resembling the sound of clattering bones. If the spell is cast with the pots of grave dirt and water, both materials will rise out of the pots and flow into the mouths of the corpses, imbuing them with new, undead life.    If the spell is cast with an arcane focus, the focus will then glow as the spell is cast, and the eyes of the corpses will glow the color of the caster's magic. The three stones will glow as the spell is cast and will continue to glow faintly for as long as the spell is in effect.
Material Components
  • One clay pot filled with grave dirt and one clay pot with brackish water OR an arcane focus
  • One 150 gp onyx stone for each corpse
Gestures & Ritual
  • Vocal: "Persvek werominak di sia ithquent, sigavir wux ekess lleisgar."
  • Somatic: Place the onyx stone(s) in front of said corpse(s). Place hands on remaining material component. Repeat vocal incantation until spell is complete.
Related Discipline
Related School
Effect Duration
24 hours
Effect Casting Time
1 minute
10 feet
Applied Restriction
This spell can only be cast at night.
Being necromancy, this spell is illegal within the domain of the Wizarding Collection.

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Cover image: All Zombies Now by Dominik Mayer


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