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6th-Level Transmutation


By pointing at a target, the caster can destroy any object within range that they choose. This target can be a creature, object, or a creation of magical force, such as the wall created by wall of force.   While it is possible to dodge this spell, any creature caught in disintegrate's ray will be hit with a wall of intense force able to disintegrate them completely. All objects on the creature are disintegrated as well, and the creature's entire being is reduced to a pile of fine gray dust. This creature can only be restored to life by means of a true resurrection or wish spell.   Any nonmagical object 15 feet or smaller is immediately disintegrated by this spell. However, magical items are unaffected by this spell.


When this spell is cast, a thin green ray of light shoots out from the caster's finger and extends for 60 feet.
Material Components
A lodestone and a pinch of dust OR an arcane focus
Gestures & Ritual
  • Vocal: "Airem."
  • Somatic: Hold the material component(s) and point towards the target.
Related Discipline
Related School
Effect Duration
Effect Casting Time
6 seconds
60 feet

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