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Feign Death

3rd-Level Necromancy


With a single touch to the forehead, the caster places a target into a cataonic state indistinguishable from death. While under this spell, the target will be unresponsive to all outside stimuli and will see all other body functions mimic that of a lifeless corpse.   Their temperature will fall, their skin will become pale and waxy, and their heartbeats and even their breathing will cease. For all intents and purposes, the target will appear dead, and will remain so for the duration of the spell.

Side/Secondary Effects

While the spell does not have any visible lingering effects upon the target upon waking, repeated casting can result in some unfortunate side effects. Those who are frequently made subjects of feign death have seen black marks similar to their skeleton appear on the outside of their body,
Material Components
A pinch of graveyard dirt OR an arcane focus
Gestures & Ritual
  • Vocal: "Ghutzo'og nelithral."
  • Somatic: Hold material component and press hand against target.
Related Discipline
Bardic College
Related School
Effect Duration
1 hour
Effect Casting Time
6 seconds
Applied Restriction
This spell, being necromancy, is illegal under the dominion of the Wizarding Collection.

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Cover image: All Zombies Now by Dominik Mayer


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