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1st-Level Enchantment


This spell sends creatures into a magical slumber. By speaking a word into a cricket, a bundle of rose petals, or a pinch of sand, the caster can send as many targets in the area to sleep as they see fit, though this varies based on the strength of the caster as well as the strength of the target.


Targets of the sleep spell have described a warm feeling spreading over their body right before falling unconscious, as well as an effect related to whatever the caster cast the spell with. Targets of a sleep spell cast with a cricket have described chirps in their ears, while those targeted by a sand or rose petal-based spell have described the scent of either right before falling asleep. The spell cast through a focus bears no such effects.
Material Components
  • A pinch of fine sand, rose petals, or a cricket OR an arcane focus
Gestures & Ritual
  • Vocal: "Vdri"
  • Somatic: Whisper vocal component into material component before blowing slightly above it.
Related Discipline
Bardic College
Blood Clergy
Paladins of Redemption
Twilight Clergy
Related School
Effect Duration
1 minute
Effect Casting Time
6 seconds
90 feet
Applied Restriction
The undead and charmed are immune to this spell.

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