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Summon Fey

3rd-Level Conjuration


The caster calls the spirit of a creature from the Feywild. The power varies based on the power of the caster, but the caster can call forth a fey that is fuming, mirthful, or tricksy, and this creature will follow given verbal commands to the best of its ability until the spell ends. This creature will use all sorts of fey wiles to assist the caster, such as charming enemies and filling the air with magical darkness. Upon the end of the spell, the creature will then return to the Feywild.


Rather than being cast in draconic like most spells, the spell summon fey is cast in sylvan. As the spell is cast, the caster holds a gilded flower, which turns to mist during the casting. This mist floats to the space designated by the caster, which then coalesces to form the shape of the called fey.
Material Components
One gilded flower worth 300 gold pieces
Gestures & Ritual
  • Vocal: "Phe se aed amen se Faesamati."
  • Somatic: Pinch the flower between two fingers and hold in front of face.
Related Discipline
Related School
Effect Duration
1 hour with concentration
Effect Casting Time
6 seconds
90 feet

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